Prevention of the catastrophes
Space and terrestrial flight of spacecrafts Tornado and Wave
The spacecraft Tornado. Providing the ability to control the upstream, downstream and lateral tributaries of the maternal ether in the spasecraft Tornado (see Spasecraft Tornado) gives it extremely high functionality in terrestrial conditions. This is the opening of deep deposits of rocks, and breaking the ice cover of the Arctic Ocean on the way of a sea vessel. This is both the operational reduction of river floods and the shearing of dangerous storm surges.
The spasecraft can smoothly carry very heavy objects, including carrying military vehicles through a water barrier – a river without the construction of a pontoon crossing. Spasecraft Tornado can rearrange existing buildings and structures on new foundations in order to more useful redevelopment of a city, as well as increase the number of floors of buildings for their greater capacity. The latter allows you to increase the population of the city without expanding the occupied territory, excluding the increase in the number of urban transport and the complexity of controlling its movement.
A flotilla of several dozen the spacecrafts can be sucked into its internal cavity within a few minutes and transfer a huge amount of loose soil, from which they can pour a dirt dam within minutes to protect the city from the flood approaching the city.
Spasecraft Tornado can very effectively extinguish forest fires. This is ensured by the fact that he is able to quickly collect water from a river or reservoir and, having excluded Inertia, follow the course exactly along the curvilinear front of the spread of fire, filling it with water.
The spacecraft Wave. The spacecraft Wave is most suitable for protection of Earth against dangerous asteroids. It is caused by the very high speed travel of the spacecraft, exceeding the speed limit of an asteroid on four orders, and also by possibility of transport of a nuclear charge.
Besides, the spacecraft is convenient for resettlement of people on other planets, especially, being on major distances from Earth. It is provided, first, by rather high speed of the spacecraft flight, secondly, by possibility of the soft landing to the attained planet, thirdly, by maintenance of high capacity of the spacecraft.
For comfort of passengers at start of the spacecraft the radiation on the starting device begin with long waves, which then smoothly are automatically shortened. Besides, in transit of people the launcher should provide synchronization of operation of its individual emitters for jolting exclusion of the spacecraft.
Because of lack on a new planet of the launcher the retrace of the spacecraft to Earth will be impossible. However the proximal to it planets will are accessible, as the functions of the spacecraft Umbrella are maintained in it. If the spacecraft will initially have major enough sizes at start from Earth it can be loaded the doubling stripped launcher. It will allow to carry out its retrace to Earth. At start of the spacecraft in the return flight the gravitational generator of energy of the spacecraft Wave is used (Space flights on the craft Drill see).