New mechanism of explosions of galaxies and stars


Explosion of a star


Speeds of movement in Universe. Definition: a current –fluxion (3rd property of  ether see) – the cophased motion of all parts of a moving volume of medium.  A wave is caused by the anti-phase consecutive motion (interior fluxion) of the next volumes making medium (at the expense of elasticity of medium) of the moving (or the based) volume. From this it follows that a current always more slowly of the wave in this medium. In the theoretical limit, i.e. for microvolumes and short waves («interior fluxion», see above), the velocity of a current can come nearer to the velocity of a wave.

 Accordingly the ethereous current ve  in Universe, including the gravitational filtration, always more slowly of an undular motion of ether, which velocity ve.u.  is the greatest possible velocity in Universe (items 2.38, 2.39). The maximum undular velocity in Universe is the light speed C.

Velocity of current of ether can be great also. So the meteor translocated to Earth by current of universe ether, flies with the velocity to some tens kilometres per second. If about Earth ve it was small, then a meteor, having v= ve in Universe, further (than more close to Earth) it would more and more be braked by ether and has continuously sat. (And a person, having stumbled, would not drop so promptly).

Pressure growth in a galaxy and a star. At formation in Universe of the ether vortexes it is stream from the ethereous continuity the velocity of the current grows to the central region of the vortex. From the converging fluxion of ether follows the greatest velocity in the vortex – a galaxy (a star) will be in its central part and those more, than the curvature of the vortex more grows. From the"winding" of ether follows, that in the central part of a rotating galaxy (a star) filtration of ether misses. Hence, the specified in Universe central zone of vortex is squeezed not by the outside filtration pressure (not by Gravity, the fluxion - filtration see). It squeesed by the own interior elastic pressure for the account of underwedge of the reeled jets (fig. 4) of the macrovortex by the gyration with the maximum velocity of ether in a galaxy. Similarly in stars of Universe. Accordingly the filtration will not be through the star kern to the galaxy kern (for the star into a galaxy) also. There will be the ether flowing in the kern of the star and it’s gravitational motion due to the flow around the toroidal kern of a star (Formation of galaxies and stars see) with a stream of viscous ether moving toward the kern of the galaxy*.

From the underwedge (fig. 4 see) of the each reeled elastic layer of ether follows, that the pressure in the central zone of the viewed place in Universe grows by summation of pressure of each stratum. The frequency of vibration of ether (Microvibration see) is increased. The internal  pressure (The pressure see) is increased** (fig. 5).     




Fig. 5. The pressure profile diagramme on the depth of a kern of a galaxy (star):

R– the  kern radius; V – the direction of fluxion of ether; Р – the diagramme ordinate.


The former potential motion of equalization of density of ether ρi changes on the new motion from the beginning of the phase of winding of ether by stratums in the central region of a vortex (in the kernel).  This is accumulation of ether in the given place of Universe. Here ether density ρkern it is increased in many times in comparison with ρ tp those places with the increased density, whence the ether has begun to flow in the place of the future galaxy (the star). The acknowledgement of that the ether here is condensed more, than there was the density of those places in Universe, whence the ether has begun to flow, is subsequent  its expansion, i.e. the oscillations which are the fundamental property of Universe (Oscillations in Universe see). Otherwise these oscillations will not arise.

Thus, into a kern the ether collects. The ether is in the squeezed (intense) state. From within to outside in it the total pressure of stratums of the vibrating elastic ether of Universe acts. From outside to inside to this pressure the stability of the vortex motion (Vortex motion is the stable see) – the elasticity of the orbits is counteracted

The mechanism of occurrence of explosions. At the ether flowing in a vortex, the ether motion to a kern is retarded because of the equalization of ρ in the circumvortex field of Universe. At the ideal lack of bodies, for example, in a galaxy – the stars, in sidereal system – the planets, the smooth deceleration of gyration happens. By that the interjet viscosity here is not displayed since the ether is active in fluxion. Then this motion stops. And further since the ether density in the outside pulsing stratum of a kern in this place of Universe more than the density of the peripheral zone of ether outside of the kern then the phase of equalization of densities of ether of these zones begins: the ether starts to be unreeled continuously from the kern. In these requirements the ether in a viewed place of Universe comes to the basic state (by a new oscillation) - to the maternal ether without formation of bodies in the viewed place.

Really it is occurs differently. The ethereous vortex in its central part is reeled on itself so, becomes more in diameter and grows until then, when the pressure from within will reach value of the external pressure (see above the paragraph: «Thus...»). Then the vortex partially or completely is collapsed by explosion. At the partial the exterior part of the vortex is fractured - a kern envelope is dropped or parts of this shell. In this case, such parts will often be set on the surface of the star. The reason for this is the dissimilarity of the star over its surface, see Properties of Space. The presence of many such local explosions excludes their catastrophic for the surrounding Space. The surface of the star with its various sections will as if breathe at the expense of local pressure drops. At the full explosion - all vortex collapses. Especially the high-power explosion will be at occurrence of the rapid deceleration of the macrovortex gyration***. It will be at the expense of adjunction to the central part of the galaxy (the star) of a major body or of an aggregation of bodies, which always are available in Universe. This rapid deceleration will call the prompt disappearance of the vortex underwedge, which retains the central part of the macrovortex in the squeezed state (see above) – the squeezing  is realised in the explosion of the galaxy (the star).

Before the explosion the substance flowed in one viewed place of Universe – the kern of a galaxy (of a star). After explosion the allocation of density ρ of ether became absolutely to others. In particular ether can flow now to many centres of Universe (to stars, to planets, to bodies). In this case many of small vortexes are formed of one major vortex. These small are ranked around of the essentially greater and there is a new galaxy (a star).

 It can be and the other situation. The explosion scatters in ethereous Space of Universe to all sides the circumferential zone and the parts of the central kern of a galaxy (a star) (with their straight lines and reverse rotation). In the place of the former kern at the expense of Inertia of parts of the kern the ether rarefaction area is formed (ρ is a little). Then the equalization of ρout of the outside zone with ρi of the interior will follow – again the filtrational fluxion to the rarefaction place – the formation  of a new galaxy (a star) in the close to the former place.

Consequence. Those galaxies which are not spiral, not elliptical and not globe, are in the phase of scattering in explosion (not the gravitational phase) or in the beginning of the following for it (two previous paragraphs see) phase of formation of a new galaxy.


* From the stated it is visible that one extreme (in oscillation) the ether state – the pure ether (the maternal), the second – the squeezed  in a kern of a star (galaxy) self-condensed vortex. From this it follows that all known particles (bodies) represent themselves as the free and the tripped microvortexes and they were formed outside of a kern in the ether concentration phase. At the return ether oscillation they will be scattered on pure ether with the gyration in the direct and the return to the basic gyration side.

 ** Ether vibration remains, but the oscillations of particles, moving in the basic flow of ether, disappear, since particles themselves disappear (How co-exist of ether vortexes see). 

 *** The analogy is the disrupture of a grinding stone as a result of its jamming by the turn subject, for example, by the automobile inner tube ineptly smoothed out for vulcanization.



New laws of existence of the Universe



Existence of Universe (life see) is manifested through existence of its fundamental structure - a vortex of ether, which is the indispensable consequence of the main attribute of Material Space - its dissimilarity (Space is distinguished see). As any existence is determined by stability , then the existence of Universe will be determined by stability of ether vortexes of Universe.

Rotation speed of ether vortexes. From the stability theory ([27] see) streams for maintenance of gyration of smaller object it is necessary its greater velocity of gyration, than of greater object (with other things being equal). Then  smaller the existing in Universe vortex - the more its rotation frequency (the angular speed). I.e. the gyration is more appreciable. So, the huge galaxies are not biased in the gyration concerning the others considerably, though they have gyration, since the characteristic for a vortex the jets – "the sleeves" ("vortex of ether" see) are visible. The electron (Electron - vortex see), on the contrary, has the huge angular speed of gyration. It means, on the edge of a galaxy the ether flows very slowly to it, but the flow speed about bodies is the major, including about the bodies along the edges of a galaxy.

Dependence of microvortexes. From the сonseqence 1: «the rectilinear motion – the unstable motion, the vortex – the stable» and the concept "existence is stability"  streams the consequence: 1st law of existence of Universe – the more curvature of the given vortex, the more it is the stable, and is revertive – the less curvature of the given vortex, the less its stability.

2nd law of existence of Universe: the more stability of a vortex, i.e. ("Stability" see above) the ability to existence – the vitality, the more its independence (including from the parental fluxion of ether – the cause).

The consequence, apparently, streams from 1st and 2nd laws: the smaller vortexes can be torn off from the parental fluxion (the greater) and to exist in Universe independently, being closed on itself. (It would seem such example is the free electrons).

However the full independent existence of microvortexes in Universe is impossible for the following causes: 1) the microvortex motions should die away (i.e. microparticles would disappear – they would not exist) because of viscosity of ether surrounding them (4th property of ether see); 2) for the independent motion - existence in Universe it is necessary the Inertia presence, but the Inertia streams just from the dependency of microvortexes – from inflowings in them of ether. As to free electrons, then they are free not from ether, but are free chemically (Тhe chemical bond see). They are not bound with other microvortexes. 3) besides from "Space vortex changes" follows that the microvortexes of bodies, of particles are the dependent, since they "reel"ether on itself.

From practice in hydromechanics (and aerodynamics) it is known that more prompt the gyration of liquid medium round a centre of rotation, the less the rate of flux (kg/c) of medium to the centre (it is theoretically logical also). From this it follows that though the ether rate of flux to the microvortex is, but it is extremely small at the high speeds of gyration of ether. This gives gyration process (the vortex existence) in the rather long time. The bright example is the gyration of water round drainhole in a bath. As soon as there is a water gyration – the sink starts to be retarded and the more, the more prompt the gyration, i.e. gyration existence becomes more long-term.

The essence of gravitational mass is discovered


Gravitational mass 


The gravitational mass is so mysterious, how much mysterious Gravitation. As here the secret of Gravitation is opened, we will try to reveal the secret of the gravitational mass.

What is the gravitational mass? For any body the filtration pressure ("Mysterious Gravitation" see above) is proportional to number of meetings of "particles" of the ethereous fluxion with the body microvortexes (electrons, protons,...) and their linkings (Family of vortexes see). Then these microvortexes are the physical essence of elementary particles, so of the gravitational mass of a body. Thus, an elementary gravitational mass is a microvortex of ether.

The consequence from here streams: the more gravitational mass of the greater body from two next bodies (taken for a generality the unequal) - the more dense converging flow of ether goes to it (and accordingly through the smaller next body). The more the gravitational mass of the smaller body, the more difficult to filtrate of ether through it on the trajectory to the greater body. We will figure the told on fig. 6. For the best representation we will figure the ether flows not the spiral.


Fig. 6. The plan of obtaining of the product of the gravitational masses. (The major mass is figured the more dark. The accent at the letter «m» means the increased mass).


The Law of Gravity. From the given it is visible that the filtration force – Gravity is proportional to product of the gravitational masses of the bodies, which are in flows of ether (Ng ~ m1 ∙ m2).

Besides, the filtration (gravitational) force (at the other equal requirements ) is proportional to the filtration area (through the body). But this area in the converging flow of ether is return to a quadrate of distance of this body from the centre of the greater thickening, Ng ~ 1/r2 . Here The Law of Gravity, gained empirically at the studying of Lunar inflows, is output theoretically and has physical sense (Ng ~ m1 · m/r2 ).

When using the law of Newton, it should be borne in mind that gravitational fluxions of ether because of dissimilarity of its density everywhere are various. In interstellar Space the fluxion is feeble. About stars the strong. Besides because of the vortex nature of the ether flow, where the flow is curved, Ng it is necessary to determine, taking into account the curvature of the streams of ether. 

From given it is visible that values of the gravitationan masses m1, m2 and the distance r characterise two bodies (in ether flow). But the influence of itself ether: its density, viscosity, velocity,... it will be obvious to be reflected by the complex gravitational coefficient, actuating its these properties. This coefficient will be to stationary values if the small field of a galaxy is considered (so at I.Newton – the gravity constant).

Thus, the gravitational mass is the amount of the vortex ether. However, the question arises: how to determine the gravitational mass of a star (galaxy)? After all, it has been established that there are no microvortexes in the meso- and macro-vortex nucleus, unlike the body (see "Family of vortexes"), since they are unwound on the nucleus (see Annihilation and spreading of smaller vortexes).

Since the mesovortex (star) and macrovortex (galaxy) are identical to the microvortex (see Formation of ether vortexes and Microvortex - electron), the star's gravitational mass (galaxy) can be expressed through the indicated elementary mass. Based on the fact that Gravity is caused by the viscosity friction of the maternal ether on the surface of the vortex nucleus (see "mysterious Gravitation"), this recalculation is easily accomplished by correlating the dimensions of the larger vortex with the microvortex.










Secrets of Inertia Revealed

Nobody knows what is the Inertia, but all test it. An asteroid at collision with Earth. The car, not submitting to brakes and smashed. The child, falling by the face on a road. The bullet, which has taken off from the trunk of a pistol. The plane on a landing strip. "Titanic" at the movement on the iceberg. The train, going on a head-on collision with other counter train. Houses, turning to a heap of fragments at the earthquake.  


Inertia "hardly has stirred shoulders"


And here Inertia "was enraged"


The essence of Inertia, like Gravity, in modern science remains a deep mystery. Revealing this mystery would give a person extraordinary possibilities of controlling Inertia. This would avoid catastrophic collisions of ships. Eliminate the crash of the aircraft when it runs out of the landing strip. Avoid an imminent head-on collision of trains with a dispatcher error. Exclude the transformation of a residential building into a pile of debris during an earthquake. Fantastic possibilities, it is possible to dream of it only! To dream? Here the dream becomes a reality. 

In explaining Inertia, modern science proceeds from the principle of E. Mach, which affirmed man's impotence in front of the threats of Inertia. Therefore, these catastrophes still do not stop. Let us analyze the principle of E. Mach.  

E.Mach's principle leans on that the nature of Inertia of a viewed body roots in the depths of Universe. By that the essence of the  inertial forces is considered the completely identical to the gravitational forces − the principle of A.Ejnshtejn’s equivalence. However, according to his Theory of Relativity the gravitational perturbation on stars, called by the rotating body, cannot be spread more prompt then light. From here follows that «the gravitational echo» from Universe stars, will return only through millions years, but the inertial effect, as it is known, is displayed instantaneously. Thus, E.Mach's principle is erroneous. A.Ejnshtejn has overcome this rather appreciable contradiction in E.Mach's physical principle by the mathematical method, having bent the real Universe and having made it the closed (hypersphere). 

So what is the Inertia?

Inertia as the property. This property, which has been found out as the ability of the material object (being in Space) to counteract the change of its velocityV (including from Vо = 0).

Consequence 1. As stability is too the ability to maintain the motion, the standing (from V = 0 to V ≠ 0), then stability coincides with Inertia, i.e. the concept of Inertia is dilated.

Consequence 2. Space is not vacuum, but is filled by the material medium (Continuous Material Space see). That is the ether existence is really confirmed through the existence of Inertia in Space.

Consequence 3. Inertia it is displayed both by water, and by air. From this it follows that air and water too are in ether. But as water and air have no of boundaries (as the body has them) then ether does not flow round of water and of air (as, for example, water flows round a body), but pierces water and air. It confirms the essence of Gravitation as the filtration phenomenon (Pressure is Gravity see).

The essence of Inertia. Here it is established that Inertia lies in the place where it manifests itself. Inertia is displayed through the elasticity of ether: Inertia – the consequence of the elasticity of ether. It streams from the following.

Ether at the formation of vortexes any shape and size (including microvortexes) increases the elasticity (Consolidation of ether and 5th property of ether see) including about the body and in the body.*  At a push (N = const) or a yank (N ' = dN/dt) of the body having the initial velocity V1 = const, i.e. at the body travel in Space by force N, that gives V = var (look above),  the microvortexes in the body are bent (for example the orbits of microparticles are turned or distort). At the push termination (V1 = const) they it is elastic become on the former places. It occurs because of that any diversions in ethereous Space are levelled (Self-equalization see).

Here, in particular, the microdensities in the field of the turned microvortex are levelled (fig. 7). The foregoing is obviously valid for ethereal vortices of any size and shape. 

Thus Inertia is displayed through the elasticity of ether. It confirms 5th fundamental property of ether (Look above and Pushing away of magnets  see also).


Fig. 7. Change of microdensities ρ at the microvortex rotational displacement; 


The mechanical model, corresponding to the given plan of essence of Inertia, will look like, figured on fig. 8.




Fig. 8. Mechanical model of the essence of Inertia at the body gyration.

1 – a body; 2 – springs; 3 – the visco-elastic medium (ether);


However here the springs are proportioned in a body also as the set of the microsprings –  microvortexes,  which distort (fig. 9):

By the viewing of progress body or the body, moving on the trajectory about the centre which is outside of the body, the ethereous jets will bend off also back, but not on the circle, as is shown in fig. 8, but back concerning the direction of the motion of a body.





Fig. 9. The plan of deformation of ether jets. N – force, acting on a body.


The more promptly change velocity of a body (for example, the sports kern from zero to 1 m/s for 1 s, for 0,5 s...), the more abrupt parts rc of vortexes (of jets) bend, since they are the more forcesteady (if the more exact [27] – the stability margin is more). And at the rather major force N ~ a (where a – the acceleration) can bend and the most interior and even the small microvortexes can collapse. At the moment of termination of force the springs start to unsqueeze  being repelled from the body creating force (for example, from the hand).  After removal of force of a push the body together with its ethereous "springs" becomes free, moving on the force direction at the last moment its activities. That is its gained velocity (motion) is maintained.

Consequence 1. The known fact from experience: «the body mass – the measure  of its Inertia» speaks by the above described theory of Inertia. We will view two examples.

a. For comparison of masses we will take two bodies identical on the size. But one of them has the major mass, second – the smaller. Then the body with the greater mass has more of the microvortexes – the condensed jets (springs) r, fig. 9. Means their total is more difficult to incurvate (force is necessary the greater) at a push (the acceleration) of a body.

b. We will take two bodies of identical density ρ, but one body is the greater, the second is the smaller then since in the greater body there are more of microvortexes then to it goes more of the spring extremities of these microvortexes – the elastic levers – jets (springs).

From here follows also that the elementary microvortexes are the physical essence of the inertial mass of a body (What is the gravitational mass see also).

Consequence 2. As a result of "winding" of jets of ether it is formed the accumulation in a body of the vortex ether – to the body and through the body goes more of jets – "springs" − hence Inertia of the body is increased. In mesovortices (stars) and macrovortices (galaxies), the same winding of the ether occurs on these vortices (Formation of galaxies and stars see). Correspondingly, more powerful "springs" are also created around them. Inertia of stars and galaxies is increasing, although in their central region there are no microvortices ("What is the gravitational mass" and Conditions of coexistence of galaxies see). 

Consequence 3. As the friction in a vortex is not present, in view of lack of a cross-section gradient of velocities of jets (Cross motion see) then the vortex rotates on Inertia practically without without deceleration.

Consequence 4. Maternal ether, regardless to Space bodies, to gas, to molecules, to atoms..., does not possess Inertia, since Inertia – the composite phenomenon (see above), the ether in which –  the  simple component part. It means also that in Space motions – in the ether  macrooscillations: «squeezing – expansion» also is not present Inertia.    

Consequence 5. In Nature Inertia occurs simultaneously with the occurrence of Gravitation. As soon as there are ether microvortexes at once there is through them the filtration – Gravitation, and to microvortexes – the fluxion of ether causing Inertia. If Gravitation is finished in Nature (In Universe there are regions without Graviation see), then Inertia also disappears.  

Consequence 6. Dependence of microvortexes is confirmed by the essence of Inertia.

If microvortexes were independent, then to turn of them (to change a standing in Space) it would be easy - without   an effort, so, without Inertia. But since to turn of them (to change a standing) difficultly, then they are not free, but are fastened with the elastic jets of the in-leak in microvortexes (look above the second paragraph).

Consequence 7. The essence of Inertia shows, that the usual mechanical motion (a body motion) is not the separate kind of motion, since transfers in the most thin World – the world of the ether motion. And all other motions and forces (Look hardly further): the electric, the magnetic, the chemical, etc. are in the gap between macro- and a microCosm and speak by the same motion – the ether  travel,i.e. by the mechanical motion (The Time Machin secret see also).

Consequence 8. According to the erected essence of Inertia and Gravitation (look above) they are not equivalent. As to the inertial and gravitational masses, this same(see above). The elementary mass – an ether microvortex. The body mass  is the amount of the vortex ether The obtained result eliminates the need for further refinement experiments to verify the Principle of Equivalence of Mass existing in the Theory of Relativity. 

Consequence 9. Knowing deep-seated secrets of Inertia, you can very many (Guidance of the dangerous natural phenomena see).


  * It is necessary to represent very accurately, that the elasticity here is displayed not through theether filtration (but only at filtration), since the filtration gives force ("Essence of Gravitation" see) through viscosity (look about properties of ether) which at ether it is small (after all the maternal ether – the most least dense medium) and the filtration speed V, which also is small at the widely known developments of Inertia (for example, at a push of a sports kern).




Collision of stars and galaxies is impossible

So do Galaxies collide or no?


Modern astronomers consider, that collisions of galaxies can be. So in the scientific world the expected collision of Milky Way and Galaxy Andromeda is actively discussed for a long time already. According to the scientists, the collision is inevitable and many of scientists consider, that it will lead to death of our Solar System together with our fine Earth.

As the concept "Collision" means a mutual shock of two firm objects, we will make the analysis of the modern representations about collisions of galaxies and stars.

Conditions of coexistence of galaxies. According to the gear of formation and existence of galaxies and stars, in details proved and stated above, the specified collisions of galaxies will not occur. So galaxies and stars, being the vortexes of ether, move by the ordered   streams of ether (Honeycomb fluctuation of Universe see). This cannot result the one ranked vortexes in the mutual collision in any way, for example, collision of a galaxy with another galaxy, a star with another star.

The existing smaller vortexes of ether, concerning a larger vortex (for example, a star concerning a galaxy), for the same reason do not collide anywhere. They are blended with the bigs, similarly to other vortexes in Nature. So the fact, accessible to all, as in a river whirlpool there is a general rotation of water and in it is formed and steadily exist the variety of the local vortexes - funnels with big speeds of rotation. The repeatedly observable fact is known also: about the vortex – a tornado the smaller independent vortexes separate [17].

Unlike to galaxies and stars microvortexes can approach to the mutual contact (can collide). It is caused by Gravitation. which originates about stars and Galactics. By that if two microvortexes approach mutually orthogonally, then according to 1st law of existence of Universe  can occur their mutual hitch. If these vortexes are mutually complaned, then at thear rapprochement they will either to push away, or to attract, in depending on the direction of streams of vortexes in the place of their contact.

If the rotation in the arisen smaller vortex is directed against the greater (macrovortex), then the smaller vortex is extinguished – аnnihilate, to brake of the greater. If thats, which geometrically fit into the greater,  approach to the promptly rotate kernel of the greater (Explosions of galaxies and stars see), then they are always spread, putting their rotation with the greater.

It is known also, that Galaxy Andromeda does not consist of antimatter: positrons, antiprotons. It means, that it does not consist of the microvortexes of ether with opposite to a proton and an electron gyration of streams of ether. Then  gyration of the macrovortex -  Galaxy Andromeda also will be not opposite to the gyration of our Galaxy. From this it follows the catastrophic collision of the galaxies will not be. Accordingly Earth will survive. By that, if Galaxy Andromeda has mass, major of mass of our Galaxy, then system of the bound microvortexes - the body Earth together with the mesovortex - the star Sun will smoothly transfer in Galaxy Andromeda.

The complicated rotation of a star. A smaller vortex - a star, besides of two own rotations: the longitudinal and the cross has also the rotation together with the galaxy – with the greater vortex, which the star exists in (look  hardly above).



Revealed the mystery of the charge and the deep essence of the magnetic field


Charge of electron. Above it is established that all movements in Nature are came to the mechanical movement, and that the vortical makro- meso- and micromovements consist of the longitudinal and the cross  motion. Then we will give  the definition: the ether longitudinal motion in a vortex – a spin, the cross rotary movement of ether in a vortex is a charge.

The direction of rotation concerning the longitudinal motion – a charge sign. The tore microvortex of ether is the circumrotatory micromotion of ether, the cross component of which is the elementary charge. It is known, that the elementary charge is the charge of electron (positron). Then the microvortex is an electron (positron).  The cross gyration in a microvortex to the diferent sides concerning the same longitudinal axis of the vortex – the positive charge (for example, at a positron) and the negative charge (for example, at an electron), fig. 10. The  intermicrovortex (interelectronic) pressure in a conductor – the electrical voltage.



Fig. 10. The electron (a) and the positron (δ).



The progress of microvortexes – the electric current. A body charge is the microvortexes on the body surface (are pressed by Gravity to the body), have oriented by theirs plane of the gyration orthogonally to the surfaces of the body (polarised, Coexistence of vortexes see). At the identical sign of rotation of microvortexes the charge is increased – the body is charged.*                                    

Value of a charge of a body (Body and the bound microvortexes see) – the quantity of the equally oriented untied microvortexes on the surface of the body.

What is the magnetic field? From the stated follows that the ether cross motion in a microvortex, that is a charge, will cause the transit flow of the maternal ether (The pure ether see) through the microvortex – torus. This is the own magnetic field of a microvortex. That is the original cause of magnetic field is the elementary charge. On fig. 11, not to complicate the plan, the part of jets of an ethereous flow is figured only). The flow direction of the transit ether in a microvortex, the orthogonal to its plane, is the direction of the magnetic field of a microvortex.

The consequence of that the direction of the magnetic field – the orientation of microvortexes, is the orientation of the magnetised needle in the exterior magnetic field – the ether flow, as this needle is system of the rigidly anchored equally oriented microvortexes.



Fig. 11. Structure of an electron: 1 – the microvortex, 2 – it’s the "magnetic field", 3 – the affluenting in microvortex ether jets.

From the essence of Gravity (Filtrational character of Gravity see) and the property of the self-equalization of ether (All is levelled see) follows that the external motion of the maternal ether in the field of a microvortex will orient the microvortex concerning the direction of ether fluxion. Then the external flow of the ether in which there is placed a body, will be aimed to orient microvortexes (the electrons) equally.

The ranked orientation of the microvortexes of a body in an ether flow – the body magnetization  (the body becomes a magnet). Accordingly, if the motion of the exterior flow of ether is more prompt or the more dense, then the greater quantity of microvortexes (the electrons) is polarised, i.e. the magnetic field is stronger. The body, withdrawn from the zone of its magnetisation, can remain with the ranked microvortexes (the ferromagnetic). The microvortexes stretch through themselves ( through the toruses) the transit maternal ether by own charge (by the cross component of the motion of a jet in the microvortex) at the expense of the viscosity of ether (Property of an ether - viscosity see). It is formed the multiple-stage microvortex pump, fig. 12). Since the microvortex - the electron also has the actively longitudinal course of the ether, the resulting transit flow will be a jet, the lateral surface of which is a steep cylindrical spiral ("Longitudinal and cross motion"  see).  



Fig. 12. The microvortex pump.



The general transit flow is pumped over through the magnetised body (the magnet). It creates excess of ether on its exit from the body and a lack on an entrance point. There originates  zones of different density of ether. According to the property of ether – self-equalization  ("All is levelled" see) the stream at escaping of the magnetised body is returned to the inlet place – the flow from the outside closes.

* The cause of pushing away and an attraction of the electrified bodies streams from here. The repprochement of bodies will lead to the attraction or the pushing away of microvortexes, have oriented orthogonally to the surface of a body ("Сoexistence of vortexes" see). From here streams also the cause of an electrization of bodies by the friction of their surface – the polarisation of electrons.


Revealed the secrets of the origin of the particle and its wave properties

        Wave  properties of a particle are caused by its gyration 


As a microvortex – the motion and a microvortex – the mass, then mass is the motion! It slightly opens the secret of occurrence of a particle [32]: why during experiences a particle arises, as though, from anything?

And further, as a charge – the motion in a microvortex (Charge of a microvortex see) and mass – the motion in a microvortex ("Microvortex - the mass" see above), then mass and charge – two sides of the same phenomenon – of the ether microvortex motion.  But as in numerous experiences it is established, that the minimum charge is the charge of an electron, then the minimum elementary particle in a microCosm is an electron (positron).  It explains the mysterious analogy of the formulas for the point masses and the point charges: of the gravitational force  Ν г = γ . m1 · m2  ⁄ r2    and the electrostatic force    N q = k · q1 ·  q2 ⁄ r2 and confirms the stated above Unified Theory through the proof: mass ≡ motion ≡ charge (where "≡" means identity).    

The ether gyration – the essence of the wave properties of a "particle". As a "particle" − the vortex ("Microvortex - the mass" and "Charge of microvortex" see above) or connection of vortexes,  then it has a rotation frequency. Hence the essence of the wave (of the frequency) properties of a "particle" is in it. The ether "particle" also is characterised by frequency, but it is the frequency of the vibration of ether (2nd fundamental property of ether see).


Here is the news: the reason for the attraction of magnets is gravity, and the repulsion is inertia

The attraction and pushing away of magnets it is explained by a mysterious magnetic field. What ever the deep-seated processes here occur?

At the arrangement of one magnet about the another by the unlike poles (fig. 13) in the zone "A" occurs the oncoming traffic of the transit jets of etherfrom the both magnets (B and C). As a result of collision of the jets the unstable turbulent zone is formed here. The zone overlaps the ring slot between the magnets round the axial flow «Е» of ether, affluenting in the magnet "B" (the streaming of the magnet "C"). Tnen the resistance to the tractive of this turbulent zone of ether in the ring slot between the magnets sharply increases. It leads to linking of the equally guided exterior longitudinal streams of ether about the magnet "B" and  "C" in the general flow «D», and through the viscosity of the proceeding in the magnet of “C” of ether draws the “C” by the current of ether to the magnet "B"(Local Gravitation see), joining their interior longitudinal flows of ether.

At the small release of the magnets through the slot (the zone "A") is formed some suctoon of the turbolised ether – accordingly the axial attraction of the magnets will decrease a little.



Fig. 13. Physical essence of attraction and pushing away of magnets.


Why magnets are repelled? At rapprochement of the similar poles there is no the damping of jets of ether in the places of their contact since the direction of their motion in the given place coincides (jets co-exist). The motion of jets of ether in each magnet is the selfcontained and the steady. The steady since each jet is anchored by the "dressed" on it steady motions – by the microvortexes (tops, gyros). As a result the attempt from the outside to pull together the magnets leads to the attempt to turn set of the stable microvortexes (that is Inertia, stability coincides with Inertia  see and Fig. 7, microvortex rotational displacement see) –  of "the gyros" together with their axes – the elastic jets of ether of each magnet (flowing by the way of the least filtration resistance) that demands the efforts from the outside for this elastic deformation, i.e. for the approach of magnets. This is the essence of attraction and pushing away of magnets consists in it (and the essence of their magnetic fields). The cause of attraction of magnets is Gravity, and of repulsions – Inertia (in the dilated concept, "Stability coincides with Inertia"  see above).

Consequence. The essence of the magnetic field and the experience with magnets confirmed  that ether is elastic.

New about the structure of the atomic nucleus

                                           Beautiful, but it is not strong impossible for life


Till now the description of structure of an atom kern and, accordingly, the description of the nuclear interaction are very difficult. We will give the solution of the problems on basis of the stated above materials of working out of the Unified Theory. 

In the certain conditions microvortexes can enter into mutual hitch (Mutual hitch see). By that because of them big stock of stability (Curvature and 1st law see) the system of the hitched a friend for a friend of microvortexes can maintain the big breaking loads (fig. 14).



Fig. 14. The relative positioning of the counteracting to disrupture vortexes.


The mutual hitch of pair of the microvortexes: a neutron and a proton (fig. 15) is very strong because of stability of the vortexes ("Curvature and 1st law" see adove) and aspiration to a minimality of the system after the hitch.   




Fig. 15. Not beautiful, but it is strong!  Here a real hitch of a neutron with a proton


From here it is visible, that  the atomic nucleus  structure is concluded in the hitch. And the vortex less, the gyration is more prompt (Rotation speed see) – the hitch is more strong ("Curvature and 1st law" see adove), but realisation of the hitch is more difficult. It is cause of the strong nuclear interaction.



The Cause of the Chemical Bond - Inertia and Gravity

Here all is artificial, and below everything is natural


At approach of an atom (of the multigrade family of microvortexes) to the second atom, but the nonsaturated, the electron (microvortex) becomes the general – the chemical bond (fig. 16).



Fig. 16. The vortex structure of the chemical bond. 1 – an electron; 2 – the kern of one of atoms.

                   (The place of a contact of two orbits is extended on the axis X for the descriptive reasons).


How ever is formed a chemical bond? Two jets of ether in the field of the outer orbits of the electrons of two atoms (for the simplicity we will term their as the circular) co-exist peacefully (Collision impossible see) in the zone of their approchement to a contact. But if in this place it is brought by one of these jets an electron, then the electron because of its Inertia is transfered in the next jet, since the place of the contact of these jets for it –  the  way without a warpage of the trajectory*. 

After the electron transition into the joint for two atoms orbit ("the eight", fig. 16) there is the attractive force of these atoms at the expense of Gravity on the way of filtration of ether through the electron to the kerns of each of atoms and the kerns approach a little. The elasticity of orbits of the electrons, that is Inertia, will be interfered to the further approchement of the atoms. The arisen approchement can lead to the subsequent changes – to the same exchange by the electrons at the deeper jets – at the orbits of the electrons of the indicated atoms.

Gravitational pressure on these new electrons presses the atoms to each other in addition. This leads to the deformation  of the outer orbits of the electrons – the orbits of the electron about each atom extend the site of their concurrence in the place of the indicated cross – the site is straightened.

As a result the electron, transiting through this direct site, has the opportunity to enter on the orbit about the first atom and about the second.

 It means – the electron gains the neutral concerning each kern of atoms dynamic stability in the orbit. The neutral stability allows [27] to the electron to leave from its joint orbit at once after the passage of the indicated site, leaving from the parental atom and from the made related with it. The free electron, the electronic gas and the type of bond, known as the metallic bond, is formed.

The other known views of bonds [29] are formed also similarly, that is a body is the system - family of the bound microvortexes of ether.

Thus the cause of occurrence of the chemical bonding of atoms are Inertia and Gravitation.


* At occurrence of a chemical bond of atoms the planes of two exterior jets of vortexes of ether, bearing two electrons, will be aimed to the concurrence because of the electron Inertia at its motion on the joint orbit about two atoms.




The secret of solid strength

Why the strength of a solid on compression is more than the strength on a tensioning? The answer, as though, follows from the form of the potential curved line of interaction of atoms [1]. However why the curved line has such form – nobody knows.

Strength at compression. At the mechanical compression of a body there is the rapprochement of each two next atoms of the body. By that everyone atom – the manyranked sistem of microvortexes of ether, compressed in one direction, in other start to be stretched.

Thus, in fact at compression of  body pushing away is absent (!!) in it.  Compression at the macrolevel leads to tensioning at the microlevel. This is the tensioning of the making body particles – of the steady structures – of the microvortexes.

Strength at tensioning. At the trial of a body for a tensioning there are the stretching forces at all levels of microvortexes. It leads of the body to the ruptures in the weakest places ("Sistem of microvortexes of ether" see above) – between microvortexes.

Thus, the deep essence of interaction of solid bodies is discovered. It explains the secret, why the limiting force of tensioning of a solid always less, than the limiting force of compression, and also other secret - the reason of the form of the potential curved line of interaction of atoms ([1] see above).




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