Universality of the Theory
Neutron star - how did it originate
It is considered that a neutron star the youngest. It is known that the neutron star possesses huge peripheral velocity (reaching sometimes the several tens of thousands of turns a second). The explanation to it absent. It is not known also – how neutrons, protons and electrons are formed.
From Unified Тheory of Nature the following streams. In process of ether accumulation (by winding of its stratums in a mesovortex) pressure grows (Summation of pressure of each stratum see) in the interior of a star (in the kern). It is collect the substance: gas, particles of dust, bodies from the environmental Space, i.e. is formed the shell of maternel ether (affluenting in the kern) and of the linkings of the microvortexes of ether (The atomic nucleus structure see) about the kern of ethereous mesovortex by Gravity (by filtration of the maternal ether, Essence of Gravitation see).
The exterior stratum of the kern is the stratum of the condensed ether (Ether density is increased in many times see) with the amplifying vibration, since the coming from outside microvortexes and their linkings (gas, dust, …) are unreeled in it and give waves (Spreading of the microvortex see), which strengthen the vibration of ether. In the process of kern magnification in it not only pressure ("Summation of pressure of each stratum" see above) is increased, but also the entering of microvortexes is increased – the ether vibration is emplified, and shocks of the significant linkings of microvortexes – particles, bodies can lead to an explosion (The gear of occurrence of explosions see) of the mesovortex (star).
The substance of a shell comes nearer to a kern. It on the trajectory to a kern is torn to constituents, including on the microvortexes. The cause of disruptures is that the substance is braked by Inertia, but ether jets, on the contrary (Maternal ether does not possess Inertia see), are accelerated and condensed at ether motion to the kern that increases the gravitational pressure on substance *.
At disruptures of linkings of the microparticles: dust, gas are being destroyed the connecting microvortexes, being rectified in the general fluxion of ether to the mesovortex kern. Straightening of the microvortexes leads to development of the pressure waves ("Spreading of the microvortex" see above) – "electromagnetic waves" which are radiated from the exterior shell of a vortex core.
At the state achievement when the intrinsic pressure under the vibrating stratum will come nearer on value to the exterior contrapressure – the elasticity of orbits ("The gear of occurrence of explosions" see above) it is arise requirements for explosion.
The explosion of the star – the throw of high layers outside by the wave of the huge intrinsic pressure (Summation of pressure of each stratum see see above) leads to an stop of the rotating kern through the thrown off shell in the rotating exterior part of ethereous mesovortex. It is caused by that at the indicated last motion (throw) of a shell it tests the contrafiltration (gravitational) stop in the affluenting in kern ether (The return Gravity see).
As a result of the featured stop of a kern (tangential to the direction of its gyration) in the exterior zone of the rotating mesovortex it is transmitted the return, tangential to the gyration, pressure from this exterior zone of the vortex through the intermediary (the thrown off shell) to the kern. In case of small radius of the kern of the star so, of a small moment of Inertia, the kern under the influence of the indicated Gravity and the pressure wave (dumping a shell) comes to the supervelocity of gyration of the baring kern. At large radius of the star this velocity will be more low.
At this stop it is started in the "furious" gyration not only the whole kern, but because of Inertia of the kern (The essence of Inertia, consequence 2 see) and of the reinforced vibration of the exterior stratum of the kern (see above) – in even larger degrees its exterior part. The «proskiding» stratum is formed in it.
In this dense stratum of ether are formed the rotating longitudinally-cross torus microvortexes. At the separation of the star shell these dense torus microvortexes (because of them all larger the release – the removal of the wave pressure), remain by the rotating in one side. These are protons.
During a discharge, the following occurs in the layers of the surrounding ether. Between neighboring protons, new ether microvortices are launched by the action of their viscosity. Accordingly, they acquire the transverse rotation of the torus, which are opposite to protons. These are electrons (see What is a charge). As a result, the space near the exploding star is filled with protons and electrons.
After the indicated elastic interaction these microvortexes (the proton and the electron) scatter, having gained the identical ratatory speed (at the moment of their disconnection) but in the different sides, i.e. having gained the identical charges, but the different signs of the charge ("What is the charge" see above).
The inflow rate (accumulation) of ether into the microvortexes and subsequent ether fluxion – the longitudinal and the cross is maintained the practically constant. This is due to the constancy in the bafflers of "honeycombs" (The universe is closed not according to A. Einstein see) of the intensity of flowing in the vortexes of the maternal ether (The ether reeling see ) and its discharges (Relict radiation – not relict, Consequence see). Therefore the charge of an electron and an proton remains practically constant.
Then the electron begins the motion revertively to the proton, since a proton – the massive microvortex to which flows of the environmental maternel ether are guided. The electron, moving in this vortex (spiral) flow, flies by about the proton on Inertia (The essence of Inertia see) and turns the trajectory revertively to the proton, forming the cirquit trajectory and – the atom of hydrogen (Universe and substancesee see).
Near the core there is a layer of rotating microvortices analogous to the protons. These microvortices were first pressed by a blast pressure wave to the dense core of the star. Then, because of the destruction of the outer layer of the star, they are pressed by the approaching zone of Gravity. Because of the greater proximity of these microvortices to the denser layers (Figure 5 see), they are somewhat more dense - a larger mass than the departed protons. These rotating micro-vortices begin because of their indicated adherence to the core of the star and their Inertia to brake the rotating core of the mesovortex-star. This inevitably leads to the transfer of momentum from the core of the star into the microvortexes. A wave "whip" is transmitted into the microvortex on the elastic ether (The ether properties see) of the microvortex.
But since the interaction was (as well as in a thrown off shell of the star) the tangential and both the ether, and an ethereous microvortex are elastic ("The ether properties" see above), then the action on the microvortex was is tangential-oscillating – now in one direction, then in another. As a result the microvortex was parted on the stratums, rotating longitudinal, as before, in the same direction, but having according to the undular character action the opposite cross gyrations -the opposite charges ("What is the charge" see above).
As ether possesses the property of the viscosity ("The ether properties" see above), then the stratums are minimum quantity – the two because of the minimality of the area of the friction, so of the minimalities of quantity the areas of a friction – one area (fig. 31).
Fig. 31. The neutron formation.
a – the kern of a star with a neutron d- the neutron; 1 – the star kern; 2 – the neutron inside layer; 3 – the outside layer; 4 – the stream of the maternel ether; 5 – the joint with kern of star motion of the neutron; 6 – the longitudinal gyration of the neutron
The inside layer 2 (fig. 31) of the microvortex, pressed by Gravitation by the exterior surface to the next stratum of the microvortex, rolls on the interior surface of the outside one. And the next outside layer of the microvortex rolls on the surface of the kern of the star (is rotated by the star). The neutron is formed, and the kern of the star with the stratum of the neutrons on its surface forms the neutron star **.
As the outside, driving for protons, the ether stratum by the explosion is rejected from the kern, then the double-layer microvortexes – the neutrons, which remained pressed by Gravitation to the star kern, have begun, except their own rotation by the kern surface, also the travel on the kern perimetre. From the theory of a gearing of two rotating bodies under the indicated plan follows, that at this neutron’s revolution round the star kern its own ratation speed is retarded. However, the more promptly the forced travel of these microvortexes on the kern perimetre, the more the head resistance is (because of the ether viscosity), which does not allow to the neutrons be revolved round the star with the ratation speed of the star ***.
As a result, the microvortexes, which have remained about the surface of the star kern, participate in two motions: they compulsorily rotate by the peripherel surface of the kern and are compulsorily revolved round the kern.
At the stop of periphery of the star kern at the neutron the counteraction of the two stratums of the neutron can lead to the local slow proslipping of the exterior stratum of the neutron and the formation of the one more stratum on the neutron with its longitudinal travel in the same direction, as the two basic stratums, but with the cross direction of jets of ether ("What is the charge" see above), the return to the next basic stratum of the neutron.
The neutrons in the star unlike the free (Neutron life time see) exist a long time (are the stable) – the all life time of a neutron star since their interior structure and the indicated motions are caused by the motion – the gyration of a neutron star.
Thus, the birthplace of protons, electrons and neutrons is the neutron star. However the neutron star on its being is not neutron, and only has neutron shell.
Consequence. If the star, considered above, has a transverse rotation of the jets of ether, the opposite of the considered one (and it can have it, Stars and galaxies, Definition of the direction of gyration of galaxies and stars see), then antiproton, positron, antineutron will appear in the star as a result of the described processes.
* This gear of disruptures of bodies, particles essentially differs from E.Rosh’s tidal theory featured in [20, p.235].
** Before the formation of a neutron star there are the similar outthrows of a shell, but at the smaller pressures. It seems like Sun (Solar activity see) and a red giant (Red Giants throw off an envelope see).
*** At the teoretical absence of viscous resistance to a motion of neutrons round a kern the maximum velocity of the revolve about kern of the neutron becomes equal the velocity of travel of periphery of a kern – the neutron will stop on the kern surface, and the velocity of its own rotation becomes equal to zero – the neutron as the vortex will collapse. That is the featured gear of formation of a neutron confirms that ether possesses viscosity ("The ether properties" see above).