Working out of the Unified Theory

New concept of electromagnetic waves


Let's start with the electromagnetic field. 

Detection of the fallacy of the existing concept of "Electromagnetic field". It is known that water passes through a sieve, but sand does not, and it is known that there is a mixture of sand and water. It is also known that when a mixture of sand and water is fed to a sieve, they are separated into autonomous materials. Sand is one material, water is another. Now let's use a well-known method of cognition - the method of analogies. 

It is known that there is an electric field and it is known that there is a magnetic field. It is also known that there is a joint field - electromagnetic. It is also known that the magnetic field freely penetrates various materials, but the electric field does not. 

The analogy with the above about sand and water implies the following. Let's assume that the electromagnetic field is a mixture (even if mutually ordered) of electric and magnetic fields. Then the electromagnetic field, when fed to some known material, would be divided into magnetic and electric. However, it is known that when in contact with the surfaces of various materials, the electromagnetic field is either reflected (mirror), or the electromagnetic field is absorbed (absolutely black body), or the electromagnetic field is partially absorbed and partially reflected (most materials). The division of the electromagnetic field into a magnetic field and an electric field has not been discovered. None. Consequence: no joint electromagnetic field exists.

For consideration of the electromagnetic wave it is necessary to address to the nuclear envelopment. The structure of a nuclear envelopment, developed by Ernest Rezerford, improved by Niels Bohr and Arnold Sommerfeld, keeps the value and now [Кухлинг Х see], however for an explanation of the processes, occurring in a nuclear envelopment, physicists had to resort to quantum mechanics. It has led to that electron, as the real physical object, has disappeared, and has appeared incertainty, smeared about the atom kern. There was the paradox: electron is, but it is not present- there is the theory of Rezerford, though it is rejected by quantum mechanics. So what occurs in the nuclear envelopment? We will begin with orbits of electrons.

Why the orbit of electron changes. In the physicist the orbit change of electron with the distant on the closer to a kernel it is explained by any mysterious "aspiration" of electron. But occurs here that.

When the electron in atom is excited more (for examplewhen heating metal in the forge furnace), its own oscillations (for example, the beats and the precession of spin) are increased and become more intensively. The filtrational friction of a flow of the maternal ether, flowing on the curve to the atom kern, about the electron-microvortex becomes more. It is the bottom of change of the orbit of the excited electron with the long-range on the short-range (the smaller, with the greater curvature). 

How  arise an electromagnetic wave  at the orbit change of electron.  This transition (in the connection with an electron Inertia occurs not jump, as it is supposed in the second postulate of N.Bor, but continuously on a spiral. From the beginning of the leaving of the electron from the former orbit the zone of the longitudinal and of the interfaced to it the cross contraction of ether  is formed about it – arises  the combined (longitudinal-cross 3-measurement) the pressure vave (fig. 17). Just it is the electromagnetic wave. Its front, moving with the velocity "C", starts to advance the electron motion, causing the wave travel in ether from the transitive trajectory of the electron. By that the electromagnetic wave has the length L = C ⁄ ν (where ν – quantity of turns of the electron round of the atom kern during the electron transition from one orbit on the second – the frequency).   



Fig. 17. Formation of the electromagnetic waves in the sector S at change of an orbit of an electron: a – after the first pass on the sector; δ - after  the second pass; 1 – the initial orbit; 2 – the terminating orbit; 3 – an atom kern; 4 – the transitive trajectory, 5 – the waves. 

Electromagnetic wave and photon.  A microvortex of ether (an electron) have 2 proper motions: the longitudinal and the cross (the spin and the charge of an electron). Then its motion in the orbit about an atom represents the incurvated, close to cylindrical, the spiral – the soft (without the electromagnetic wave development) beats and precession of the electron in the orbit. Accordingly in the course of transition to the lowest orbit the excited electron will form not the continuous "shaving" of a seal (the electromagnetic wave), but the intermittent, transmitting to these intermittent seals (photons) the superfluous (because of excitation) gyration (the spin). And as the effect of beating in the direction to a kern is reflected outside, then the photon spin doubles.

Thus an electron (the microvortex) forms in ether the wave of pressure - electromagbetic vave with the radial longitudinal-cross and the dipole torsional oscillations. The electron, pressed by Gravitation ("Filtrational friction" see above) to the electromagnetic wave (during its formation), reduces itself excitation, transmuting it into the energy of the electromagnetic wave motion.

Electromagnetic wave and quantum. If the difference of numbers of orbits, so the velocities of an electron in two exchange orbits, is the major (a major difference of mivi) then, according to the theory of dynamics of systems [27], the electron transition from the outer orbit on the interior will occur not for one (the aperiodic) motion, but for a series of turns round of the atom kern (i.e. more continuously). Then, at the recurring return to the same angular phase round a kern, behind the previous electromagnetic wave of perturbation of the maternal ether in this phase there will be a next electromagnetic wave, that will give a vibrational periodic motion of the electromagnetic waves. By that at the expense of the smoother transition the electron spin will be transmitted not for one aperiodic process, but being parted on all girations of the electron round the kern. The group of waves of pressure will represent a package of the electromagnetic waves, following one after another («the radiation quantum»). Accordingly the energy of the "quantum" will be equal w = h ν ("Кухлинг Х" see above).

The more close to a kern of atom the more shortly the electron transition trajectory – the less the transition time – the shorter the electromagnetic wave length. 

At the spreading of  the microvortex on a kern of the macrovortex it is changed also the curvature of a jet, but of the itself microvortex, and not with rmах on rmin, but with rmin on rmax – the wave of pressure is formed in ether of a star, a galaxie – is formed the individual electromagnetic wave (the "photon").

At damping of the arisen antiparticles (Positron see) – of the microvortexes  in the macrovortex (Conditions of coexistence of ether vortexes see) the antiparticles are spread too, by that is formed the wave of pressure - electromagnetic vave also.

Absorption quantum. An atom is irradiated. A light (etheric) elastic wave strikes an electron from outside the atom. The etheric orbit of the electron begins to deform here – from a circle to an ellipse (or if it was elliptical, then to a more elongated ellipse). But its elasticity – the electron Inertia (Essence of Inertia see) will interfere, trying to maintain the previous curvature of the orbit. This leads to a flattening of the remaining parts of the orbit, that is, to a larger radius of the orbit – the electron ends up on an orbit more distant from the nucleus or even breaks away – a free electron is created. From the above it follows that atoms with an electron-saturated shell will more often receive free electrons when irradiated – that is, such atoms will have better electrical conductivity and/or reflect light better – the best mirrors.

Why does the magnetic field have such a powerful penetrability, but the electromagnetic field does not? Solution. The magnetic field, unlike the electromagnetic field (for example, light), cannot be reflected from materials (liquid, solid), but penetrates them. This is due to the fact that the cylindrical (see Magnetic field) jet etheric spiral, at the beginning of contact with a solid surface, polarizes the etheric microvortices of the material. These microvortices lose the property of obstacles, since they become streamlined - weather vanes for the steep magnetic (etheric) jet of the spiral. The spiral is freely screwed - penetrates the material.





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