Prevention of the catastrophes

Unified Theory and how to raise controllability and velocity of the spacecrafts

By working out of the gravecettles, grounded on a diversion of a gravitating stream of a maternal ether (Unified Theory and designing of flying antigravitational spacecrafts see), it is necessary to increase, according to the Unifiued Theory of Nature, the velocity of microstreams of a magnetic ether. The specified velocity is caused by the charging velocity of gyration of the torus ether microvortexes in a magnet (What is the magnetic field? see). But as this velocity is stable, the specified problem can be solved by an additional motion of a magnetic ether in the direction of its fluxion, that is in the direction Z - N of a magnet. This activity magnificates viscous friction of the driving magnetic microstreams about a maternal ether, i.e. the power gravitational action to the maternal ether is increased. Controllability of a gravitating parent aether as a result raises. Controllability of the gravecettle raises accordingly.

Analysing features of known magnets, it becomes clear that the featured trajectory of raise of controllability with direct rod magnet practically we can not execute. With a magnet - a plate also we will not execute. The parent of it is that in a direct magnet the current of ether microstreams is guided to one side, and outside - in others. That is here it is necessary there are ring ethero streams with their opposite direction.

With a known annular magnet the gyration concerning any of its three axes, including, concerning the Z- N, also will not solve the task in view - will not increase the velocity of a magnetic driving ether.

Studying of features of various magnetic objects shows, that there are magnetic objects, which only are similar to a magnet, but are not the magnet in its existing physical understanding. The long-term careful analysis of possibilities of their application for the specified problem has shown, that these objects allow to solve the problem, set by the Unified Theory of Nature. In this connection we will view the developed physically realizable constructions of gravecettles, in which the requirements of raise of their controllability, erected by the Unified Theory of Nature, and features of the termed magnetic objects are used (Spacecraft Cylinder  see).

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