Space properties - correction of concepts for the Unified Theory of Nature
Space, what you mysterious!
Nature (Universe, World) exists in Space. To know the essence of Space is necessary for the creation of the Unified Theory of Nature. Nature is found in a multitude of physical phenomena arising from the essence of the Material Space, which is reflected in Space properties. Obviously, these properties are Matter, the life of natural material objects and systems, differences in the Material Space, movement in the Material Space, its boundaries, the geometric shape of the Material Space and its dimension. Let's get into the depths of these attributes.
Space and Life. Life is the basic property of substance in Material Space. Definition: Existence (life) is stability of a material object in wide (philosophical) sense of the word: ability to maintain itself. Vanishing, fracture – instability (The secret of occurrence of life see also).
The given definition of Life is the prinsiple new and combines all in Nature.
World is dissimilar. The fact: The Material Space, and hence the World are not the same. It is not identical – is distinguished in different places. We will term this as 1st fundamental property of World. By that World is opposite not always, as they consider, and that is more narrow on sense. World is distinguished – unsymmetrical in different places of Space. It means dualism of World, but in new sense: the major – the smaller (not necessarily the small), there – not there (it is not obligatory here), inside – outside, upwards – downwards, upwards – sideway ....
The featured new property of World – the dissimilarity – is the fundamental and allows to uncover any secrets of Nature that a reader will see further ("About wave dualism" see).
In Space all moves. (2nd fundamental property of World). The proof of this property streams from the philosophical concept "stability" (see above) and 1st fundamental property of World (see above).
So, if in the small all is in equilibrium – is the stable – equally then in the major Space the equilibrium – the stable state – the similarity can already be upset because of its dissimilarity. This violation will start to be levelled in the major. Then there is any violation in small which, in turn, will start to be levelled. But since such small it is a lot of in the major, then all of them together form violation of disbalance (similarity) in major spaces at the equalizations. As a result all moves in Space.
Important consequence. From 1st and 2nd of the fundamental properties of Universe follows that Life, i.e. the stability in the broad sense (see above) of any objects of Nature cannot be theperpetual ("eternal").
Space oscilation of movements. The dualism(see above) with reference to motion (see above) means a oscilation. Thus from 1st and 2nd properties streams that all in World Space in the natural bottom is necessary moves oscilatory.
Perpetuity and extremity of Space. Are there the boundaries for the Material Space? From duality (see above) it is streamed that the major is the small of the still greater. Hence, Material Space is the infinitly in breadth on a size. Similarly the small is the greater of the still smaller. But reduction of the small means rushing to the extreme small size – to the extremity so, Space is terminating inside. The last is confirmed that is real, the minimum size in Space is equal to zero. This is the interior closure of Universe.
Space is not spheric. From the perpetuity of Space in breadth: the consequence streams: Space is not spheric (since the sphere has the terminating module of a radius vector). Errors of those who confirms the sphericity of Space, are caused by the psychology of a person. It is unconsciously convenient to a person to be into a sphere since its sight (so also the thought) is forced to circle because of aspiration to a minimum of energy (of operation) of an eye crystalline lens to accomodation. Many have got in this physiological trap, even the great: Pifagor, Aristotle, and as a matter of fact A.Einstein, A.Friedman... .
The sphericity arises only in the certain volumes of Space at occurrence of the dissimilarity of Space in a point and about it or of any field. So: an electron in ether (see belov); Earth with atmosphere and with Moon in ether; Moon in ether...). The essence of dialectics of the spherical (the curvilinear) with the rectilinear is in it.
Space is not empty. The fact: Space transmits the electromagnetic waves. The consequence: Space is not empty – the material. Used in the modern physics the concept «Space vacuum» is the false concept in the physical relation. Vacuum can take place only in the mathematical sense.
The Space matter – ether. We will term the filling Space matter, as ether on ancient tradition. Here the existence of ether will repeatedly prove to be true, including through presence at the material objects of Inertia. Ether existence was considered as the fact by the geniuses of a science: O.Frenel, M.Faradej, J.Maxwell, H.Lorents, J.Stokes, G.Gerts, L.Ejler, H.Gjujgens. But here in the subsequent articles will be given the essence distinct from offered earlier materials about essence and the major properties of ether.
Thus, a deeper understanding of the main physical properties of the Material Space has been obtained. Can this idea allow further construction of the Unified Theory of Nature (see Working out of the Unified Theory)?