Сrab nebula and supernova explosions

Recently on heads of scientists rather mysterious the secret has dropped. This secret wrecks even the most settled representations about life and death of stars. It is detected the supernova IPTF14hls, which blew up some times.The dead star dies again? What nonsense! Scientists of the Californian University admit, that similar recurring explosions of a supernova it would be possible to expect during the early Universe, instead of the present. The data about the supernova IPTF14hls contradicts not only to the modern representations about supernovas, but also to all Theory of Origin of Universe. We will open this and other secrets of supernovas. 

The interesting object of Universe is Crab nebula. Its shape for some reason does not match to the known spherical shape of a star. Besides, it is interesting to that it is a consequence of the supernova explosion, which store till now in itself secrets. One of such secrets is cause of explosion of a supernova. Till now the cause is not erected definitively. Therefore the parent term both as a thermonuclear reaction, and a gravitational collapse of the star. Explosion aftereffects store in themselves puzzles also. 

So, it is not known, why at smaller mass of the star its remainder after explosion should be a neutron star, but at the greater – a black holeWhere do neutrons come from? Why at observed Crab nebula at the standard initial spherical symmetry of a star the ordered structure with a rotational symmetry (look a picture) was formed? Is not it an explosion of a supernova leads to its death

Detected recently the supernova IPTF14hls has brought the additional puzzles. It for a some reason could blow up some times. 


The specified secrets and puzzles rather essentially impede advance of the person in Universe knowledge. We will try to open them, using the Unified Theory of Nature (look Working out of the Unified Theory).

According to the Unified Theory the first explosion of a supernova originates on one of oscillation phases of density of ether in "honeycombs" of Universe. These oscillations in Universe are long-period (look Gravity and Universe). From this it follows that such explosions in certain field of Universe can occur only through rather long-term periods. In the mentioned oscillation phase of Universe in the field of the future star there is the long-term accumulation of ether (look "winding" of ether). For these parents the first explosions of supernovas happen extremely seldom. Cause of the explosion, as it is erected by the Unified Theory,  will be not  a nuclear reaction and not a gravitational collapse, but infringement of stability of vortex motion of ether, as a result of its accumulation in the field of the star (look Pressure growth).

One of the bases of the Unified Theory of Nature is 2 fundamental property of World: all in World moves - changes. From here streams that after the first explosion of supernova will be not her death, but the next changes of the rest of the star. By that from the Unified Theory follows, that the new changes, leading to the recurring explosion of the star, can be absolutely not accessible to our observations. This can lead observers to the erroneous inference about death of the star.

So under the Unified Theory in neighbourhoods of the rest of the star, besides gas or the celestial bodies, generated after explosion (A planet - the clot of a shell of the star see), always there is maternal ether. Then the visible objects, which have originated after explosion, will move by Inertia, moving away from the place of the explosion. Simultaneously the streams of the maternal ether, not accessible to observation, will prolong former (before explosion, see above "Pressure growth") the motion to the rest (kern) of the supernova. These streams will inevitably give the star through small (in comparison with the long-term continuance specified above) a time in recurring explosion. Here again not Gravy (look above) will be the parent of the recurring explosion.  

From the Unified Theory follows that the black hole is not a consequence of explosion of a supernova. It is visible already from this, that a black hole, being a star, cannot be a kern of the whole Galactic of stars. In the Unified Theory it is erected, that a black hole is formed absolutely differently (look a Black hole – an ether vortex).

Besides, the Unified Theory opens the termed above secrets of birth of a neutron star and its neutrons. At explosion of a supernova the neutron star can really be formed. By that the Unified Theory is erected, that  the following phase of the neutron star can be the full it annihilation (look Gamma-splashs). This phase of the star is its true death (instead of explosion supernova, as it is considered).

Crab nebula, presented above on the photo, completely matches to the mechanism of origination and life of stars, erected by the Unified Theory. On the photo the residual attributes of the star, featured in the Uniform Theory, are accurately visible. These are the rests of the vortex formation of a star from maternal ether, and the axisymmetric emission from this flat vortex (look Formation of galaxies and starsThe gear of occurrence of explosions).  


Birth of the star MWC 758



The press reported that astronomers, studying the star MWC 758, faced a number of mysteries. It is established this is a young star. But it was found that the star is surrounded by material formation. This formation on the outer outline looks like  to a disk. The internal structure of the disk has a mysterious structure. Inside the disk is a cavity. The disk has two spiral arms. 

It has been suggested that the two arms of the disk are density waves arising from the presence of two planets near the star that have a significant mass. It is believed that one of these planets is closer to the star, the second is further. It is assumed that the near planet forms the internal cavity in the disk. It is also assumed that the more distant planet forms this spiral with two arms. In addition, this planet forms a dark ring between clots of dust outside the disk. It is believed that the disk emits dust.

However, what organized the material structure, is not reported. How it arose, it is not known. It originated before the formation of the star or after - it is not known. Why the structure, surrounding the star, has the shape of a disk is not known. Why the movement of the planet formed the cavity - not known. Why the supposed inner planet moves strictly in a circular orbit - it is not known. Why there should be waves     when the planet moves, it is not known. What is the source of the dust is not known. Let's try to solve these puzzles on the basis of the nonsinglely confirmed  ability of the Unified Theory of Nature.

In accordance with the Unified Theory in the initial stage of equalization of the dissimilarity in the ether density (Space and Worldsubstance see) only one dissimilarity  can always be caused by the ether motion: a reduced ether density in one mesoregion of Universe (Formation of stars see). Then the current of the ether inevitably goes radially, symmetrically relative to the named area. The radial direction of the flow can have a protracted character, which happens extremely rarely (Formation of stars see above). As a resalt of the protracted character of this flow and its convergence, a zone of condensation of ether and dust forms. Due to the radial nature of this flow, the compacted zone will be circular. This is the cause of the formation of a spherically symmetric outer dust ring. Immediately after its formation, the radial velocity of its movement will be inhibited, due to the mutual friction of the dust. Then the flow of radially convergent ether breaks off from the formed dust ring. In this case, the unevenness in the above-mentioned central mesoregion of the Universe remains. Accordingly, the further flow of the ether into the indicated mesoregion will continue. In the indicated mesoregion, there will actually be another (local) dissimilarity ("Formation of stars" see above). 

This dissimilarity inevitably leads to the formation of a mesovortex of condensing ether jets. The attribute of this mesovortex will be spiral "sleeves", the nature of which, as can be seen from the above, has nothing to do with wave processes. The core of this compaction ("Formation of stars" see above) is an etheric torus - the star. From the above it can be seen that the outlines of this formation are closest to the disk (About an ellipsoid and a plane see). Correspondingly, the inner zone of the torus is a cavity, which has the form of a circle. 

Thus, the Unified Theory made it possible to reveal the mystery of birth of the MWC 758 star. It was established that the material structure near the star was first organized by the radial and then the vortex flow of ether to the region of Universe with a reduced ether density. This structure does not emits dust, but is formed as a result of the compaction of dust and ether. It can be seen from the above that the outer part of this structure was formed before the appearance of the star, and the inner part simultaneously with the star. 

Solar sail – illusion

The dream of a solar sail fascinates man. It is based on the existence of the concept of pressure of sunlight on a solid surface. The idea of a solar sail was first proposed in 1920 by F. Zander shortly after the experiments of P. Lebedev. These experiments convinced the scientific community of the existence of the pressure of light suggested  by I. Kepler and mathematically confirmed by J. Maxwell. 

Since then, the idea of a solar sail has captured the advanced people and has not left them to date. In the present days in different countries, attempts are being made to create a solar sail, with the help of which one could fly into space distances. These are the USA, Great Britain, Russia, Canada, Italy, Japan, China, and other progressive countries. What solutions were not offered!  However, all attempts failed.

How much hard work and what kind of people !? After all, this is occupied by the minds of the most   talented people on the planet. And if an error? And if the error is at the very beginning of the way - in the very concept of light pressure? How many losses ?! After all, during this time, how far could humanity go on another, not so clouded road!

Until now in the very essence of the light there is so much unknown! What is it? Is it a stream of particles or the movement of waves? After all, there are simultaneously two concepts of light, one of which is used to explain some phenomena, the other for others. Engineering practice differs significantly from the theory that it can only go on one road. Practitioners - the creators of the solar sail have to go on two roads at once. So the legs can be broken.

Try to go one way? And on what? If the light is a stream of particles, then the flight with the help of a solar sail, as if, is realizable. But the corpuscular essence of light is refuted by the experiments of T. Jung. If light is electromagnetic waves, flight is also impossible. This clearly follows from the fact that transverse light waves, in principle, cannot press on the transverse barrier on their way - on the sail. It is interesting the longitudinal sound waves, as if, press on a hard surface. After all, the pressure of longitudinal sound waves on membranes is well known! Maybe correct O. Fresel? But how?

No matter how complicated the apologists of light pressure may explain this pressure, it will not be. Moreover, the sound pressure does not exist. The so-called sound pressure is not a one-sided impact on the surface - read physics very carefully. Or try creating a sound sail. He's not, like the solar sail.

Of course, the theorists of the solar sail, in order to preserve their reputation, can take advantage of the fact that there is a stream of elementary particles and ions in the sunlight. But after all, these are particles not of light - not supposed photons, but completely different particles. Their flow may affect the sail, but this sail will be completely different in design and functionality than in the dreams of a solar sail.

The solar sailor theorists have a good loophole here. If a spacecraft with a sail flies in space, then we can say that this is the action of sunlight and continue to create dark matter around itself. Reports that a solar sail operating at the pressure of sunlight is somewhere launched into space are erroneous or false. In all these cases, the light pressure is not used. Under the guise of a solar sail can be used similar to it externally solar panels. The reactive principle of movement may also be disguised, but authors and performers will try not to emphasize either their own or others' attention to this.

The essence of light is revealed in the Unified Theory of Nature (Electromagnetic waves, speed of light,  paradoxes of pressure of light see). From it follows the fallacy of the existing concept of light pressure. It is possible to fly in the Universe, but not on the illusory pressure of sunlight, but on the basis of disclosing the secret of Gravity (Gravitation is not attraction see).


Solar activity - Unified Theory


In an article of the site (Magnetic field of Sun see), on the basis of the Unified Theory of Nature, a number of secrets of Sun are revealed. This is the secret of various angular velocities of Sun at the poles and the equator. The shape of the magnetic field in the form of an Archimedes spiral. The mystery of the sector structure of the equatorial zone of the magnetic field. However, there are still a number of other secrets that do not give rest to the researchers of Sun.  

There are these secrets. Why the inner layers of Sun rotate faster than the surface? Why the south pole of Sun colder than the north? How arises the magnetism of Sun? How is magnetism spread in plasma causing sunspots? What raises the solar wind? Why does matter fly away from Sun with an increase in speed from zero to n · 103 km / s? Why is the crown hotter than the inner surface of Sun? Why is the wind speed above streamers significantly less than over holes? Why do the flares appear on Sun – short-term emissions of fast electrons and protons with a powerful flux of electromagnetic radiation of different wavelengths? The Unified Theory of Nature allows you to unlock these secrets.

Theory it is established that the stars are the mesovortices of the ether, formed during the flow of the maternal ether to the places of Universe, where its density was below the surrounding regions (see Star formation). The speed of the ether current increases as the jets of the ether approach the vortex core (see Explosions of stars). In addition, due to the presence of transverse motion of the ether in the meso-vortex (see "Star formation"), it pumps the cosmic ether through itself. It follows that the south pole of the star will be colder than the north**. This pumped stream is a star's magnetic field (see also What is a magnetic field) - its magnetism. Since the star is a torus vortex (see "Star Formation"), then its poles are areas where there is no compressed winding of the ethereal jets. It follows that the outer neighboring population of the star, which could be destroyed by local explosions, is not brought to the pole area. Accordingly, these areas will be dark - "coronal holes." 

The Unified Theory also establishes (see "Explosions of stars") that hydrogen molecules brought by the maternal ether are destroyed on the sealed vortex of the ether and its constituent ether microvortexes (see What is the charge): electrons, protons unwind. These destructions create zones of local elevated pressure of the ether - pressure waves (see "Explosions of stars"). In this case, the wavelength will be different due to the variety of particles brought to the nucleus, which broke off and spread on the nucleus (see Conditions of coexistence of vortices). From these zones, local concentrated ether pressure drops out from the core arise. 

The resulting discharges lead, firstly, to local high-speed streams of ether to the periphery of the star. On the vertical border of such a stream with the next not set in motion ether, slippage of layers of ether occurs. This leads to the formation of microvortexes: protons and neutrons (see What is a neutron star). Under these conditions, different from a neutron star: vertical boundaries and the impossibility of fast unloading from high pressure, microvortexes (neutrons and protons) come to interlock with each other (see Atomic nucleus structure) and helium formation. Secondly, these local streams of ether polarize external, brought by main gravitating ether stream, the not yet spread microvortexes of hydrogen: protons, electrons (plasma). Local magnetic fields are created ("What is a magnetic field" see). Some of these fields will have a radial direction, and the return will form loops. Thirdly, radially from the core, the filtering local ether streams create local reverse Gravity (look Gravitation is not an attraction). As a result, these local streams of ether raise the plasma only to a certain height, since the main Gravity of the star is directed towards them. The plasma stops, spreads to the periphery of each local stream, and wraps back to the star core (granulation).

These single pressure waves in the ether have all the attributes of electromagnetic waves (What is electromagnetic waves and Secrets of the light speed see). Then, born on the surface of the nucleus and passing through local plasma flows (granules), these shock waves separate from the main mass of the indicated plasma flows and begin their high-speed movement with the leftovers of the plasma to the periphery of the star. There is a solar wind.

Accordingly, due to the realization of the pressure of local explosions in the motion of a rarefied plasma, its temperature over the remaining plasma drops sharply. A dark spot appears on the surface of the star. If the power of the local explosion on the nucleus is significant, then the emission of plasma will be substantially greater - a flash occurs.

With further radial motion of the pressure wave, the plasma carried by the wave, being subjected to counter-gravity (see "Gravitation is not an attraction"), flows down from the wave front to the neighboring areas. The mass of the plasma decreases - the speed of the wave and the velocity of the remaining particles carried by it increases, tending as it moves away from the surface of the star to the speed of light "C". An increase in the velocity of each plasma particle means an increase in the temperature of the indicated rarefied plasma. The crown becomes hotter than the surface of the star.

In the equatorial region of the mesovortex - the stars (where streamers exist) the plasma layer will be significantly larger (see "Star Formation"). Then, in the equator region, the wave loses more pressure, than in the region closer to the pole (where holes form). From this it follows that in the pole region the wind speed will be significantly greater than in the equator region. 


  * Still a number of secrets are revealed in the article Sun Magnetic Field and Unified Theory of Nature.

  ** There is absolutely the same reason on Earth. 


World Creation, Uncertainty and the Unified Theory of Nature


                                                                                                                  Devote to Stephen Hawking 



Stephen Hawking in his book “The Great Design” indicates that it is not necessary to turn to God for the Universe to appear and, since there is a law, such as Gravity, the Universe will create itself out of nothing. He says that spontaneous occurrence is the reason why there is something and not nothing, why the Universe exists and why we exist. At the same time, it is pointed out that only the creation of the Theory of Everything will allow us to explain how the world is arranged and where it came from. This, still unfinished, Theory is now called the M-theory. It is indicated that, according to M-Theory, our Universe is not the only one, but many universes originated from nothing.   

However, the author of the Human Genome project, Francis Collins, in his book "Language of God", states a fundamentally different story. He says that the presence of uncertainty in quantum mechanics makes the world around us unpredictable in its development and completely incomprehensible. He believes that God definitely controls the processes of the universe, but these methods are elusive for modern scientists.   

What are the essential contradictions between these statements! And what about each of the authors with internal contradictions in the statements themselves? Is everything in these statements harmonious with Nature? Are the foundations of their theories strong? Only the Unified Theory of Nature can answer these questions.

The statements of Stephen Hawking and Francis Collins about World Сreation are confused. So, in them there is an implicit mixture of concepts: “Formation of the Universe” and “Formation of objects of the Universe”, which are stars, galaxies, protons, neutrons. These are radically different concepts. When a person talks about the formation of the Universe, he always means its creation - the Creation of the World. Here in the human mind there is always an idea that there was nothing, and then something appeared. This idea of the World Creation occupies a very unconvincing position in science. From ancient times, mankind has always been convinced that something cannot arise out of nothing. Modern creators of new theories tirelessly try to destroy the powerful foundations of Nature - conservation laws, confirmed by the whole life of mankind.

The formation of stars and galaxies is not the World Creation. Their formation can occur even without the World Creation through the transformations of matter. How this happens is established by the Unified Theory of Nature (see Galaxies - how they have originated?). Аt the same time, there are no contradictions with the foundations of modern science. None!  It is enough to understand that something can exist without a beginning (Space oscilation of movements see), which in all cases and most of all mathematicians love (see The meaning of Space and Time is wrong). The beginning is necessary for mathematicians. It is impossible to solve a mathematical problem without initial conditions. This is one of the vices of “immaculate mathematics” - an insidious friend of physics (see The Unified Theory, Gravity, Space and Time). In addition, creation and birth are so  attractively habituall to us that we don’t want to accept anything else. However, it is very dangerous to judge the World around us by our habits - such an experience is filled with the deep sorrow of Mankind. 

Stephen Hawking's use of the phrase “Since there is a law  such as gravity” ("Contradictions of modern theories about the origin of the World" see above) is illegal. Firstly, because, starting from Isaac Newton and up to now, modern science has not established what the essence of Gravity is. None of the Greats knew this and does not know. Otherwise, we would have flown on anti-gravity vehicles. No matter how much the applicants praised their universal theories, none of them grabbed even a feather from the tail of a beautiful firebird named Gravity. Then hów can it be argued that the Universe is created by Gravity? !!! Thus, the use of the unknown as the basis for the approval of the new is illegal

Secondly. And if this mysterious Gravity is not omnipresent? !!! After all, none of the authors of the theories has proved its ubiquity. Then hów is the Universe created where there is no Gravity ?! The Unified Theory of Nature confirms just the omnipresence of Gravity (see What is Gravity? ). 

Thirdly. And if, in addition to gravitational, there are non-gravitational mechanisms of the formation of space objects in Nature ?! If other mechanisms are not established by the authors of the theories, this does not mean that they do not exist (see Consequence 2. "Galaxies - how they have originated?"). Then it cannot be argued that the Universe was created just by Gravity. 

Stephen Hawking’s second statement about spontaneous occurrence as the reason for the existence of the Universe is already contradictory within itself. Forgive me Stephen, but Spontaneous is causeless !!!

Referring to the M-theory, Stephen Hawking further claims that there are many universes. This statement contradicts the oneself concept of the universe. After all, the Universe is everything. So hów can one talk about at least several Universes, and even more so, about the multitude of what is immeasurable - about the All? !!  Here is a clear mathematical error.

Francis Collins, unlike Stephen Hawking, does not believe in the possibility of creating an all-powerful Theory of Everything. He explains this by the existence of Uncertainty in the World, which is one of the foundations of quantum mechanics. The omnipotence of God and the humility of the Earthling before the secrets of Nature are affirmed. 

The objection of Francis Collins to Stephen Hawking, based on the existence of uncertainty, requires consideration of the concept of uncertainty. Does she even exist in Nature? I have to agree - yes, but not at all the one that Werner Heisenberg introduced into quantum mechanics (see Gejzenberg's Uncertainty and Quantum Mechanics and The Unified Theory exposes the Uncertainty). Nature is uncertain, but in well-defined cases, for example, in a collision of ether flows (see "Galaxies - how they have originated?"). The location of the formation of the galaxy is uncertain, the location of the formation of the star is uncertain. The direction of rotation of a future galaxy is uncertain, the direction of rotation of an autonomous star outside the galaxy (see Spacecraft annihilation). It follows that the formation of matter and antimatter is also uncertain (see Antiparticles and theirs secrets). 

Certainty in Nature appears only after the formation of a galaxy, a star (see "Galaxies - how they have originated?"). In this phase, after the indicated beginning, a certain transverse rotation of the ether in a vortex occurs. In one direction of ether rotation there is definitely matter, while in the other - definitely antimatter (see "Antiparticles and theirs secrets"). And no mystical Creator of Certainty - no confusion!  If we assume that the Creator created the World, then the World would be only definite, but for some reason the World does not obey the Creator !!!. There are so many random phenomena and processes in the World that the Creator could create only in the absence of reason. But the Creator without reason is nonsense!

Thus, modern science suggests either trying to build an omnipotent theory on a weak foundation, or don't dare to try to penetrate the secrets of Nature. Here on the site is the Unified Theory of Nature (see Working out of the Unified Theory), which is built on a solid foundation (see above "The Unified Theory, Gravitation, Space and Time"). The theory does not contradict well-known laws and in a unified way explains the most diverse phenomena of Nature and the properties of the Material World, including the appearance of man (see The Unified Theory opens secret of Life). This Theory is supported by 140 examples of its application (see Universality of the Theory, Prevention of the catastrophes). In addition, it has been confirmed by a number of simple, and therefore reproducible, experiments (see The Theory and Experiments). Trying to be honest to the end, the author offered the reader 30 predictions. (Neither 2, nor 3, and not even 5, but 30 (!). Think - what is the author’s courage based on?). These predictions are direct consequences of this Theory (see Predictions of the Theory) and are available for execution.

Big Bang, the Unified Theory and Symmetry

I dedicate to Fred Hoyle


The article will discuss the Big Bang. The world famous British astronomer Fred Hoyle has the phrase: «This idea of the Big Bang seems to me completely unsatisfactory». Nevertheless, at present, the concept of the Big Bang remains the foundation for modern physical theories, explaining a number of discovered natural phenomena, and also constructing derivatives of physical concepts. This is the Theory of the Expanding Universe of A. Fridman, and the Red Shift of E. Hubble, and the Relic Radiation of G. Gamow, and Dark Matter of F. Zwicky, and much more. It’s as if a convenient building of physics is being built and as if beautiful. However, the assurances of the proponents of the Big Bang concept of the solid foundation of this building are not very convincing. 

So, modern scientists say that the Universe should not exist due to the complete symmetry of matter and antimatter. «There must be an asymmetry somewhere, but we just don’t understand where exactly. What breaks the symmetry, what is the source?» say the famous German explorer Christian Smorra. It is impossible to explain how matter was formed at an early stage of the origin of the Universe. Protons and antiprotons should mutually annihilate, which means that the Universe would not have arisen. 

An unpleasant situation has arisen in physics, since experiments to search for the differences between a proton and an antiproton clearly contradict the Big Bang Theory. To get out of an unpleasant situation, the major forces of the scientific world are involved in the search for at least some differences between a proton and an antiproton. Many high-precision experiments are conducted to compare the magnetic properties of the proton and antiproton. The accuracy of the g-factor measurement was reduced to nine-digit fraction, but no differences were found. It is reported that now scientists are in search of even more high-precision methods for measuring the g-factor of proton and antiproton. 

Analysis of the situation on the basis of the Unified Theory of Nature reveals significant errors in the search for a solution to the problem. It is said: «There must be an asymmetry somewhere» (see above). But you can ask the question: What if this «somewhere» in the Space will be on the border of Symmetry with Asymmetry? Or will these areas of Space not be in contact? And then what is between these areas - neither Symmetry, nor Asymmetry? What? Unknown. Or nothing? But if nothing, then these concepts do work not everywhere, that is, they are not fundamental. Here the inevitable mathematical consequence follows: either symmetry is not the basis of the World, or the Big Bang is an error, or both Symmetry and the Big Bang are wrong. The Unified Theory establishes that the dissimilarity of Material Space is close to the mathematical concept of symmetry, but differing in its naturalness and universality (see The Unified Theory, Gravitation, Space and Time,   Space and World). This is the first. 

Secondly. It is reported that since no differences were found, the Standard Model of Particle Physics is true. It follows that if differences are found, then the Standard Model will be downloaded. Here we see the subjective interest of supporters of the Standard Model in not detecting the differences between the proton and antiproton. 

Thirdly. It is a mistake to look for the differences between a proton and an antiproton from a qualitative definition of the very concepts of proton and antiproton. The task of this search is similar to the erroneous task of finding the exact value of the number "π". These futile searches continue to this day. However, the solution lies in the incorrect statement of the problem. The diameter has qualitative differences from the circle. Accordingly, the line will never coincide with the curve! Similarly, the search for differences between a proton and an antiproton is doomed to failure. In addition, this failure follows from the fundamental properties of the maternal ether and the mechanisms of the formation of stars, galaxies, protons and antiprotons from it (see Ether and its physical properties, Galaxies - how they have originated?, What is charge and magnetic field, Formation of torus microvortices). 

Fourth. Since contradictions arise between the existing theory of the Big Bang and actually discovered particles of Matter, the theory of the Big Bang itself is obviously incorrect. Its infidelity is proved in the Unified Theory of Nature (see Big Bang did not exist). At the same time, the experimentally discovered phenomena: «Red shift» and «Relic radiation» are explained in the Unified Theory also without the concept of the Big Bang. The true processes that lead to the indicated phenomena of Displacement and Radiation are described in the Unified Theory (see Red shift - its secrets, Relic Radiation). The explanation of these processes, unlike the Big Bang Theory, does not give rise to any contradictions to modern experiments.

Nuclear Interaction and the Unified Theory

                                                                                Dedicate to E. Rutherford 

                                                                                in connection with the centenary of his discovery



The Unified Theory has established that contrary to the definition accepted in modern theoretical physics, strong nuclear interaction is not an attraction (Unified Theory of Nature and Why the nuclear interaction is the strong? see). Secondly, it was found that the structure of the proton and neutron is much simpler than is accepted in modern physics. It has been established that both the proton and the neutron are micro-vortexes of the ether (Substance and its physical properties and What is a neutron star? see). Thirdly, it was found that the real mechanism of nuclear interaction, in contrast to the accepted one, is also very simple.

It has been established that protons and neutrons, being torus ether microvortexes, mutually catch on each other when they collide (Why deuterium is stable? see). For the formation of the nucleus of an atom and its life, no additional particles (quarks) are needed. This is confirmed by the well-known numerous nuclear experiences also. Quarks did not fly out of hadrons under any nuclear reactions. The Unified Theory already confirmed by its many successful applications (Universality of the Theory see), allows us to state, that quarks will never be detected, since the connection of nucleons is determined not by quarks, but by the detected microvortex structure of nucleons.

The Unified Theory also reveals the reason for the manifestation of strong nuclear interactions at very short distances. The reason is the small size of the mutually linked torus microvortices — nucleons (see above "What is a neutron star?”). So, in order to break two linked ether micro-vortexes (proton and neutron) in deuterium, it is necessary to stretch these two non-mutually contacting two links to their mutual internal contact. Obviously, this movement is equal to a distance close to the size of the internal aperture of the torus microvortex — the nucleon (see above “Why deuterium is stable?”).

The indicated short-range zone of nuclear force will have the strictly defined value. This is due to the strict determination of the size of the nucleon - the ether microvortex (The steady structures of material Space see). Then from the Unified Theory it follows that for smaller nuclei the zone of manifestation of this short action will be slightly larger than the size of a small nucleus - a small cluster of linked nucleons, that is, several times more of proton. For larger nuclei, this zone will be close to the size of the larger nucleus, since the engagement occurs on the surface of the cluster — an adhered compact set of microvortexes.

According to the Unified Theory, at greater distances, the proton and neutron are indifferent to each other. This follows from the fact that the nucleon – microvortex is a dense compact formation of ether ("What is a neutron star?”see above), which due to its properties, manifests itself only in direct contact. When a proton is superimposed on a neutron (colliding at a relatively low speed), they are repelled in accordance with the Unified Theory. This follows from the fact that each ether microvortex is an elastic stable structure that prevents its deformation ("Substance and its physical properties" see above and The 1st law of existence of Universe see).

How beautiful you are, Unified Theory!

Asteroid and Gravity



The  majority of people lives and rejoices, knowing nothing that waits for them in the near future. However the scientific world is diped in the extreme anxiety. In scientific publications with alarm it is reported that a fall of a comet or a large asteroid to Earth can lead to origin on Earth huge fiery tornadoes and enormous oceanic tsunami,  that will sweep away from Earth all the live and the lifeless. Here it – the mysterious "Doomsday". "Doomsday" approaches from the Sky – from Space. Those who knows about these extreme dangers, with the hope immixed with fear, look at the advanced countries of planet Earth. Yes, in these countries already the long time is made hard work on protection against threats from Space. However both to scientists, and to engineers it follows to admit urgently, that they are rather far from success.  

The use of non-nuclear kinetic battering-ram for a shock modification of a trajectory of an asteroid can be effective only for small asteroids. The large asteroids, possessing major Inertia, will transmute of battering-ram energy into the superficial damages, but remain on the dangerous trajectory.  

The gravitational towing vehicle is offered, representing the spaceship, spanning asteroid from an orbit by means of the mutual Gravitation and drives. However the expedient demands a reserve of time of many years because of the unsubdued Gravity. A similar deficiency possesses also the expedient, using the ionic drives. Even less hopes instal the expedients grounded on making of large lenses for use of sunlight for the purpose of heating and transpiration of substance of an asteroid. 

The expedients with the electromagnetic catapult, releasing substance of an asteroid in Space, demand so much energy that their practicability is improbable. Besides, they are intolerable sluggish. This deficiency is concerned  to use of usual rocket engines also. 

Offered in 2011 by Bong Wie (considered the operative) the expedient of a diversion of an asteroid from its dangerous trajectory possesses variety of absolute obstacles for its success. He demands, at first, of jeweller working on by a modification of the local shape of the asteroid, consisting inside from an unknown material, moreover in far  Space. It not pots to mould on a potter's wheel in the workshop. Secondly, it is impossible to compare a crater from superficial explosion to a volcano crater as it is done by supporters of the expedient. The volcano crater is similar to a rocket nozzle, but the dimple on a firm surface from superficial explosion is similar nothing to a nozzle – there is an unstable (!) system. 

In - the third, the slightest asymmetry in the form of the dimple on an asteroid surface will yield not the reactive traction, but an asteroid gyration. In - the fourth, the dimple can arise not stringently on a normal line to an asteroid trajectory. Accordingly it will lead the unstable system indicated above to not given flight control of an asteroid, but to unpredictable modifications of a trajectory. These modifications can appear in the subsequent near future even more dangerous and already irreparable - the Doomsday will appear inevitable. 

The analysis of offered protection frames shows that for fulfilment of any of the indicated expedients it is necessary to solve before the extremely difficult dual problem – to discover long before and to discover all asteroids. The example of impossibility of the solution of such dual problem is Chelyabinsk meteorite, which has very demonstrated blindness and powerlessness of all known protection frames.  

Way out is the select of one of these two purposes, the second purpose thus should be excluded from necessity. It is admissible only under condition of knowledge of essence of Gravity and/or Inertia. After all they play a defining role in possible collision of Earth with an asteroid. Because of Gravity an asteroid comes nearer with terrifying velocity to Earth. Danger of an asteroid consist in its Inertia at the moment of collision with Earth. Because of Inertia of an asteroid it cannot be drived promptly also. 

Thus, it is impossible to be protected from an asteroid, without knowing deep essence of Gravitation and Inertia. If even partially to reduce the Gravity, acting on an asteroid, it will lose former acceleration at approach to Earth and the fractures become harmless for Earth. If to reduce Inertia of an asteroid, then its dangerous trajectory can be changed or made the soft touchdown easily. Even more possibilities occurs at possession of secrets and Gravity, and Inertia. 

These secrets are uncovered in the present site (Gravity is not an attraction, The essens of Inertia see). The apparatus is described, that has the functions required to protect against an asteroid, for example, to instantly gain space speed. Antigravity agents, that completely lose body weight are also described (Prevention of the catastrophes see).

Effectively to affect an asteroid it is possible as follows. You can meet an asteroid long before its dangerous approach to Earth. You easily carry out it, using  space velocity  of the gravekettle, which two constructions: "Drill" and "Umbrella"  you have comprehended in papers: Gravekettle Drill and The Aircraft Umbrella. Iner- tia  control of the gravekettle allows it at approach to an asteroid instantaneous without collision to moor to an asteroid. Then for the account of exclusion of Inertia of the asteroid to lead the asteroid to the instantaneous stop. It is necessary to score, what even partial decrease of Inertia of an asteroid gives a major positive effect. So, the subsequent gravitational traction of the moored to an asteroid gravekettle will easily change a dangerous path of the asteroid. Decrease of Inertia without engaging of the specified gravitational traction allows to make the asteroid landing by soft. 

It is possible, using the antigravitational shield, only partially to disconnect Gravity of an asteroid. Then even this unique activity will lead to loss of former acceleration at asteroid approach to Earth. The fractures from its collision with Earth become harmless. 

Uncertainty principle and its defects

In Chaos do not search for true since true it that is correct, and is correct that is ranked. Namely in order it is possible to distinguish one from another, each of which is unique - truly. 



When there was a thermodynamics, its triumphal procession has begun. There were thermal cars: drives, generators. Their bottom - thermodynamics laws. It has led to a failure of human thought from attempts of the complicated representation about an atomism of material mediums. However there was a small trouble – entropy. Entropy – a degree of uncertainty of system. Mind of any person is settled on the definiteness, but here is the uncertainty. Nevertheless engines and generators reached the increasing perfection and the thermodynamics prolonged the triumphal driving.   

However there were also very serious difficulties. So, afterwards atomic reactors blew up because of very slow operation of heat exchangers of the cooling systems, working on the basis of laws of thermodynamics. Besides the fluid cavitation annoyed more and more. It destroyed any materials. Triumphal procession of thermal  cars stumbled, when in their cooling systems there was the cavitation erosion. Especially it was essential in the strategically important objects – space  kettles. Theorists of  cavitation eveloped the theory of  cavitation of a fluid on the same bottoms on which there is a thermodynamics also. That is a fluid – the practically continuous medium, in which atoms move chaotically, i.e. individually indefinite fashion. This uncertainty troubleed nobody, since it was not considered the cause of dangerous accidents. Cavitation remained invincible. It as tore all materials, so tears, and disasters at nuclear reactors began to become more frequent.  

In addition to the uncertainty in thermodynamic processes, another dangerous uncertainty has arisen - in an even deeper microcosm - the world of elementary particles. 

Approximately in 70 years after origin of thermodynamics at a nuclear physics the daughter a quantum mechanics was born. She has declared the special principles and laws. As well as the thermodynamics, quantum mechanics has victoriously moved forward. There were quantum generators, many previously unsolved problems were solved.

However there were serious difficulties more and more:barrier effect, dualism of fundamental particles, secrets of a neutrino, secret of a spin and many other things. And here in these attempts the quantum mechanics itself has given birth to the daughter (the grand daughter of  nuclear physics) – c. How, again the uncertainty?! Yes, so. And what? The atomic power stations work, quantum generators work. However, attempts to make through into microSpace – the failure behind the failure. It was necessary to consider that the electron is, but it is not present (?!). It was necessary to consider that exist the virtual, i.e. the imagined – the nonexistent  microparticles (quarks). Also that is surprising, these microparticles have macroproperties: a smell, colour, …?!  Certainly,  very difficult to be transferred from our artificial world of restaurants and art galleries to the physics riddles of real microcosmos.  Therefore the nonexistent (!) uncertainty exists and in thermodynamics, and a quantum mechanics. Here  all attempts to construct the Unified Theory of  World, which have seriously begun already more 100 years ago, also conclude by failures. 

The physics riddle of uncertainty constantly troubleed the author of the present paper. Uncertainty after all is indefinite! So how it is possible to learn degree of uncertainty (Dangerous uncertainty in the microWorld  see), i.e. to measure!? Very long, since 1975, reflexion, observations and performance of experiences have led the author to the solution of  inveterate problems of a cavitation, which as it has appeared, covered, in thermodynamic uncertainty. It has appeared that with warmth it is possible to work not only under thermodynamics laws. The appearance «Heat-mechanical shock in a fluid» (see [45]) was revealed. The mechanism of the cavitation erosion of materials is uncovered. All secrets are removed from a cavitation. The new appearance allows to exclude fracture of materials in the conditions of a cavitation. Moreover, the discovered appearance yields new radiants and expedients of deriving of energy, and also, that is very actual, the expedients of the instant stopping of the gone out from obeying nuclear reactor (Disaster prevention  at the nuclear power plants see).

Author of the present paper from the very beginning of the working on by making of the unified theory has suddenly discovered, that in both sciences: thermodynamics and a quantum mechanics has arisen and there is the same concept – uncertainty. Therefore, creating the Unified Theory, based on non-standard approaches (Unified Theory of Nature, Gravitation, Space and Time see) I all time troubled: «But how the developed Unified Theory will be compounded with the existing in quantum mechanics principle of uncertainty of  V.Gejzenberg ?».  It has appeared, Unified Theory could be constructed without an uncertainty and explains the existing principle simply, clearly and quite definitely (Uncertainty principle see).

Nuclear Interaction and Theoretical Physics

Nuclear interaction is one of the most interesting and mysterious phenomena in Nature. In modern theoretical physics, nuclear interaction is considered fundamental. It is believed that strong nuclear interaction is an attraction and its main reason lies in the structure of protons and neutrons, which consist of quarks and gluons. However, the model of the quark structure of the proton and neutron existing in theoretical physics is very complex. In addition, no one could explain why quarks are never knocked out of hadrons. 

The deep source of a large amount of energy in a nuclear explosion shrouded in mystery. So far, a nuclear explosion is unconvincingly explained, since it uses the unknown essence of a number of fundamental concepts of physics. So, the concept of “Charge” is used, which has a purely phenomenological definition. The concept of "Gravity" is used, the essence of which in modern physics has not yet been established. In the theory of a nuclear explosion, the concept of "Nuclear strong interaction" is used, which is hidden in a nuclear explosion along with all its secrets.

Until now, the reason for the short-range nuclear force remains a mystery. No less secret remains the strict certainty of the zone of this short range, in contrast to Gravity and the magnetic field. This zone is several times larger than the proton and for some reason is close to the size of the nucleus. The reason why the proton and neutron are attracted at distances close to the value of the indicated zone has not been established. Why are they indifferent to each other at greater distances? Why do they repel when overlapping. For larger nuclei than deuterons, the situation is even more complicated. To this is added the inveterate mystery of the nature of the difference between the masses of the proton and neutron.

The diagrams obtained on particle accelerators of the relationship between the number of protons Z and neutrons N (What Holds Nuclei Together?   Of Particular Significanse Fig 3 see) reveal an additional series of puzzles that cannot be solved on the basis of quark ideas about the structure of the nucleon. So, there is no explanation why for stable nuclei, at low values of the number of neutrons and protons, these quantities are almost mutually equal. It is not clear why, with an increase in the number of neutrons in stable nuclei, their number gradually becomes larger than the number of protons. The mystery is not revealed why in this diagram the band of stable nuclei remains narrow for all values of Z.

So many mysteries and secrets! However, since the Unified Theory of Nature described on this site (Working out of the Unified Theory see) is universal and confirmed by its many successful applications (Universality of the Theory see) it should also allow revealing these indicated secrets. Let's try to do this (Nuclear Interaction and the Unified Theory see and The reason for the difference in proton and neutron masses, Ether-vortex nature of a nuclear explosion, Why are there fewer protons than neutrons in the nucleus of an atom?

Nikola Tesla on Nature and the Unified Theory of Nature

           I devote this paper to the city of my dream

Colorado-Sprinps, where Tesla worked



 Colorado. Here created N.Tesla


Surprisingly, but a series of representations of N.Tesla about Nature coincides with standings of the featured here the Unified Theory of Nature (Working out of the Unified Theory see) in a certain measure. This is the standing about ether existence. This is the statement about the vortex character of a motion of ether. This is the representation about electromagnetic waves as the longitudinal-cross oscillations of ether.

However the standings about essence ether on N.Tesla and under the Unified Theory of Nature - are the cardinally various. Besides, in the Unified Theory the essence of ether is detected as a result of enough deep the physics-philosophical analysis (Physics and philosophy , Essence of space vacuum  , Ether see), while at N.Tesla the ether is simply accepted, that leaves it the mysterious.

Ether vortex motion at N.Tesla also is primely accepted. But how it proceeds and how the various vortexes motions mutually coexist, it is not known. In the Unified Theory of Nature ether vortex motions are proved, classified and mutually co-ordinated. 

The longitudinal-cross character of oscillations of ether in electromagnetic waves at N.Tesla also is not proved. The deep-seated essence of these oscillations is not erected also. In the Unified Theory, on the contrary, all it is featured (Electromagnetic wave see)

In other base standings about Nature the representation of N.Tesla even more differ from the standings of the Unified Theory. So, N.Tesla accepts, that World is the five-measured. The Unified Theory  groundedly proves its three-dimensionality (The meaning of Space and Time is wrong see). He foggy enough specifies, that the matter is the developing process of excitations of ether and the material World is formed by the standing waves in ether. The author of the Unified Theory does not specify, but in a result of the uneasy theoretical examination detects, that World is formed by the maternal and the vortex ether ("Ether" see above).

N.Tesla considers, that Time is created from ether and it has a course, which direction can be changed. Under the Unified Theory the Time is not created from anything. Time - the false co-ordinate of a motion ("The meaning of Space and Time is wrong" see). The law of a resonance is accepted by N.Tesla as the general natural law, which bottom is considered the electromagnetism. By that he considered, that the electromagnetism is related to Gravity. However the resonance originates in the fluctuating systems, but in Nature it is exist also aperiodic processes, for example, explosion, fall, collision, etc. From this it follows, that the resonance law cannot be the general natural law. Besides, under the Unified Theory  the electromagnetism is not related absolutely to Gravitation (see above "Electromagnetic wave" and Gravity is not an attraction see).

Cosmological concepts of N.Tesla and his most significant technical ideas have been used at trying of making of the invisibility of the sea-craft. According to N.Tesla's representations it was considered, the antigravitational field and a motion in Time will be gain by that.

The experiment has rendered the extremely strong physical and mental action on the participants of the experiment. Thereupon it was informed about the passage of the person through a wall and about travel to Time. However the cause of the effects of the experience, as then it became clear, was the rather high level of energy. It was visible on the soldered in a board of the vessel the bodies, and on the handfuls of ashes from bodies. The specified cause has proved to be true further from the experiences of liberation of considerable quantities of nuclear energy. As appears from above stated, the specified experience on N.Tesla, has not confirmed neither makings of the invisibility, nor the antigravity, nor the motion in Time.

Certainly, N.Tesla has given to the contemporaries and the subsequent generations the variety of the major technical inventions, which have essentially advanced the development of a human society. However it is obvious, that N.Tesla concepts are not capable to solve the global and new ripened problems of Mankind. Here instances of these problems.

These are the protection of mother Earth against dangerous asteroids, protection of the occupied territories against destructive tornadoes, against earthquakes. These are the Gravity control and Inertia, prevention of the air crashes, which the quantity increases. This is the reception of a considerable quantity of energy for maintenance of life of Mankind on Earth. These are the travels to a near Space. These are the guidance of sea currents, cyclones and antycyclones. These are protection against the global warming, protection against the snow banks. This is anoperative quenching of forest fires. This is the navigation in ices irrespective of a season of year. This is the voiding of cities of a smog. This is the refund of the territories, which have flooded by the conservation reservoirs of the river plants and the atomic power stations.  These are protection of the occupied territories against high waters, against a tsunami. This is reception of enough of the sweet water.

The specified extremely important for survival of Mankind modern problems capable to solve the Unified Theory (Unified Theory of Nature see)







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